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"I just don't know" she says


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Me and my ex have been broken up for about a month now, but we hang out often and enjoy eachothers company n that. I like her alot and want her back and when we talk about how she feels, she says "I just don't know"


What is she saying here? I don't know what to think or do. I like her alot and don't want to lose her.


I think shes mad now that I've been askign her all these questions and now I regret askign them. I just want to know how she feels.


And it's weird when we hang out because I don't know how to react all the time. I want to react as a b/f would or whatever, but I don't know if she wants that.


And help or comments would be great.



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you may want to try limiting your availability to her. right now shes content because she can be with you without "being with you" dont jump to her every need. when she calls, dont always pick up, when she wants to hang out, dont always do it. maybe even hint at the possibility of moving onto another girl.

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Yeah that's what I've been trying to do. Even though I want to hang out with her all the time. I did hint about another girl who likes me and .. we've kinda gotten "closer" at parties n stuff. But I just force myself not to like her because I want my ex back. And my ex said she was upset when I told her about this new girl. But last night I kinda told her "I didn't like this other girl anymore and I liked you".


Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. lol


PS. thanks for replying to me

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Ok thanks alot everyone. Heres a story for today. I work just behind where she works and she told me to come visit her before I go to work. I said that I might depends if I'm busy before. She seemed like she really wanted me there. So anyway I end up not going, even though I wanted to. SO anyway, at the end of my work, one of the workers from where she works just got off and came over and told me that my ex (lets call her S) really wants me to go visit her where she works. So I'm thinkin.. .why does she want me there so badly. So I go over and we talk and she seemed in a bit of a pissy mood and she said she wanted me there to cheer her up blah blah .. so that was good I guess. Also, there's a guy that she works with that I think likes her. Did she maybe want me to come over there as a way of telling the other guy to stay away? because that would be good!


Well that was a good story eh?! lol. Well it cheered me up so there.


anyway, edudlooc13. You said

I can tell she's confused but still accepting because she doesn't care when I hold her or anything.


How did you make your first move to hold her? Like, I don't know how she would react in a situation like that. However, we do touch eachother often. You know grabbing stomaches and she'll come and sit on me if I'm laying on the floor. Or she'll grab my head or whatever. Or I'll come up behind and rub her shoulders. TO me, these are signs. So why is she so darn confused?


Thanks guys!


-- Jabe

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Well today at school went well. We hung out at lunch. We are hangin out Friday night after work and I was gonna invite her to a friends Saturday, but I think I better not. GOtta give her that gift of missing me. WHich is tough, but if that's what will get her back.

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