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how to heal?

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Everyone says time and keeping busy are the best ways to heal...but as time goes on, I feel like it's getting harder and harder and even when I'm doing activities to keep busy or going out with friends, I still think of him. He's the first thing I think of in the morning and I think about him all throughout the day. I even dream about him. Everything reminds me of him and I can't help but hope that he'll come back to me. I know he won't, but even that logic won't dissuade me.


How can I start to keep him from ALWAYS being on my mind? And how can I let go of this hope that he'll come back?

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Everyone says time and keeping busy are the best ways to heal...but as time goes on, I feel like it's getting harder and harder and even when I'm doing activities to keep busy or going out with friends, I still think of him. He's the first thing I think of in the morning and I think about him all throughout the day. I even dream about him. Everything reminds me of him and I can't help but hope that he'll come back to me. I know he won't, but even that logic won't dissuade me.


How can I start to keep him from ALWAYS being on my mind? And how can I let go of this hope that he'll come back?


I find that with BU's, its not about logic--its about emotion. And that's the part that kills. Because you cant calculate emotion, or tell it to go away.


How long ago was your Break up, by the way?

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i guess we're all on this boat...sigh.


ritatrue: yeah you're so right. everyone's telling me that it'll pass and they want me to think about it logically...but i just can't right now. i'm just in this emotional state and i can't think logically.


our break up was a little over 2 weeks ago...so i know i'm just starting the healing stage, but the pain is ruling my life and it's taking a huge toll on my body...i can't eat or sleep and i've just been really nauseous and sick.

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Heartbreak does cause physical pain too. I lost a lot of weight, and had to take sleep aid bc the mind wont shut off. Mental exhaustion overloads! I read an article from a therapist that said, they encourage their patients to sleep. A lot. Sleep heals many things, and sends the painful events into the past much quicker.

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Yes, I have dreams about freshly lost exes when I sleep. Sometimes (with past breakups) I wake up crying or feeling super empty, but somehow they help. Currently, in my waking hours, I am just stoic and contemplative and full of gloom. My grieving hasn't been in the form of crying for some reason. It's been a state of confusion and shock. Maybe I need to sleep more. Plus, it helps your body physically recover.

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