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Happy Sunday,


I am 30 year old woman who is crazy about a man I met through work. He put his name into my nextel without asking, he calls about once per week to check on the status of his case with my office, we share other work related information, etc. He has also asked me to "meet" him at church a couple of times but cancelled for various reasons. Friday he asked me to take a 2 hour drive with him to look at a new development he is starting. We ended up spending about 8 hours together yesterday. He was tired from only 3 hours of sleep the night before and did not talk much. When we did talk he asked me personal questions as I did him. He knows that I am going through a divorce, have children, etc. I know that he has never been married and has only had 2 serious relationships. I also found out that he is in seminary and officiates weddings, etc. Pretty personal stuff. He was also interested in what I do on the weekends, what I did this past Friday night and with who, etc. He says that he doesn't think he is "marketable." This guy is gorgeous, educated, kind, and very well-off.


At the end of the day he said I'm sure I will be talking to you next week. Sometimes he calls, sometimes he doesn't......


I really like this person but I think I am getting mixed signals. Any suggestions or insight will help me out!




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hi there,

i can tell your getting mixed signals by him asking you personal questions means he either wants to get to know you or..he's just nosey maybe you should just get to know him more keep it like it is at the moment at after a period of time it will become more obvious if he likes you or not

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  • 4 years later...

I would just play it cool and act disinterested... I don't mean to insult you, but it sounds like you could use The Rules here to your advantage.. He might be a player and thereforeeee is acting indiffirent to you because he's talking to lots of women (though he is a church figure.)


An 8 hour drive does not sound like too great of a date to me, I think if he was really into you he would ask you out...


I hate guys who do stuff like this, maybe he's just getting to know you before he asks you out? Some guys can be cautious like that. In which case I say you should be busy and not seem too interested in him that way when he is deciding whether or not to ask you out he'll be more likely to (everyone wants what they can't have.) Bye.

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