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quick question about NC


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so last time i talked to my ex she was still confused..i think she is messing with another guy, but idk........idk anything anymore...before she left my house she told me that she wanted to see a movie..i said ok..see u this week..we havent talked for 5 days...im kinda happy, because i have been wanting to go NC, so that she can figure things out, and so i can figure things out..... when it comes to NC, is it best to just leave, or is it better to tell an ex that you are leaving?.....

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so last time i talked to my ex she was still confused..i think she is messing with another guy, but idk........idk anything anymore...before she left my house she told me that she wanted to see a movie..i said ok..see u this week..we havent talked for 5 days...im kinda happy, because i have been wanting to go NC, so that she can figure things out, and so i can figure things out..... when it comes to NC, is it best to just leave, or is it better to tell an ex that you are leaving?.....


You just leave it, you don't need to tell her anything, you're broke up now, you have no need to contact her anymore.


loulou x

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of course you do or why would you be thinking about her n meeting her etc? and going NC so you can figure things out....
well u missed the part where i said im happy about going NC, and shes the one that offered to see the movie, she came over saturday, and its thursday..we havent talked since, so its like...okk?? i guess NC? lol
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personaLLY given that your ex contacts you. i would announce nc and state your reason it makes you seem in control. and as ive just learned unnanounced NC if you truly stick to it and ignore your esx can come off the wrong way

agreed. If your ex is contacting you, and you just keep ignoring them, I really feel it looks like you're just being spiteful. In this situation it's prob best to tell her you don't wish to have contact at this time as you're broken up and focusing on yourself...or something along those lines. Many people on here disagree, but personally, I would announce NC in a situation like this

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agreed. If your ex is contacting you, and you just keep ignoring them, I really feel it looks like you're just being spiteful. In this situation it's prob best to tell her you don't wish to have contact at this time as you're broken up and focusing on yourself...or something along those lines. Many people on here disagree, but personally, I would announce NC in a situation like this
*update*.. so my ex just txted me and was like..." hi my name is stef, how are you".. i say..." smh".. she says "why are you shaking your had?".. i say.. " because you dont need to reintroduce yourself, i already kno who you are, wait i take that back, i thought i knew who u were, your on some other S$3%t"..she goes.."whats your problem".. i go.." YOU, im soo over this" so goes "where did this come about?".. i go " Saturday after you left my house".. she goes "ok"... im like.. why dont you wanna lose me, shes like, because you mean a lot to me.. then i asked does she see herself with me again..she says yea..i say how strong is that yea..she goes ive encounterned a lot of boys over the months, and the outcome has always been the same..i go running back to you, i was like whats the real reason you come back, and shes like..no matter where i go at night, when i go home and get in bed all i do it think about you....... how should i take this
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ok, I saw it above, 7 months..Ugh! I dunno really...I guess I would see if she wants to get together sometime soon. If she doesn't then back to NC. I suppose you might have to go out on a limb if you want to get things going. If she says no to getting together then you know she's not serious and/ or ready to get back together. She just keeps jerking you around and I think you need to figure out once in for all what the hell she wants. She needs to put up or shut up...but I wouldn't be giving her ultimatums here either. Try to get together and see how it goes...that's my advice based upon what little I know about your situation

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ok, I saw it above, 7 months..Ugh! I dunno really...I guess I would see if she wants to get together sometime soon. If she doesn't then back to NC. I suppose you might have to go out on a limb if you want to get things going. If she says no to getting together then you know she's not serious and/ or ready to get back together. She just keeps jerking you around and I think you need to figure out once in for all what the hell she wants. She needs to put up or shut up...but I wouldn't be giving her ultimatums here either. Try to get together and see how it goes...that's my advice based upon what little I know about your situation
so should i try to be her friend?.. we have seen each other on an off for 7 months..she came over on saturday night.... so take things slow? or just be like..look...together or not....... thanks btw..
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sorry..I didn't read the whole thread....well since you've been seeing eachother and she still hasn't decided what she wants it may be best to just announce NC for now bc you can't stick around for her confusion. It seems like this has been going on a while now and she needs to figure this out. I wouldn't give some big ultimatum, I guess I would just talk to her again about your situation and ask her what she wants at this time. If she's confused or doesn't want to get back together yet you need to give you both more space and time. This has just been going on for too long. She knows you are there kind of waiting in the wings, so maybe taking a step back agin would be best. But since you're in contact, if you go that route, you should announce NC and tell her it's for you. Just starting to ignore her is rude and might piss her off. It'd piss me off, although I have never strung along a guy like this, so maybe she deserves it! haha

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NO! You're not even healed and this won't end well. Now I'm SMFH!


You're wrapped, whipped and haven't even left denial so you can heal properly! Stop talking to her, who cares if she thinks you're spiteful, MAN THE HELL UP!


Everytime you grow a backbone and don't talk to her look what she does. There is a causative pattern here.


Stop making new threads. Read my reply in your other thread.

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NO! You're not even healed and this won't end well. Now I'm SMFH!


You're wrapped, whipped and haven't even left denial so you can heal properly! Stop talking to her, who cares if she thinks you're spiteful, MAN THE HELL UP!


Everytime you grow a backbone and don't talk to her look what she does. There is a causative pattern here.


Stop making new threads. Read my reply in your other thread.


Ya, actually I agree with this. I wasn't really thinking about the full fact that she has just been toting you along for quite a while. Disappearing might just snap her head out of her ass. Either way, you win bc you're healing and you move on or she comes back down the road and it works out.

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