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question about how to get rid of fat in specific areas

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hey im not that bad in the weight dept. but its a little embarrassing that i sort of have man boobs lol. very embarrassin when my gf loves running her nails all over my chest. so iv been trying to think what kinds of exorsizes would specificly target to tone that area oh yea i kind of want a nicer butt if anyones got tips on toning that area too

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It is IMPOSSIBLE to target fatloss. You have to get your overall bodyfat down. Workout and try to eat clean. People tend to store fat a little bit different. I always have hardest with inside thighs and lower back. The only solution is to get ripped ALL OVER!

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As HCI said, it's impossible to target one specific area in your workouts. You either target it all, or target nothing. And, also as HCI said, we all store fat in different areas. My body fat areas are prone to my thighs and calfs, so I have pretty big legs, (mostly because I work out a lot, but still, it appears to be the biggest part of my body), but a fairly small frame overall... The best thing you could do is find a workout plan that can accomidate your needs, and begin working out immediately...

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Like other people said already its imposible to do so, to target surtain areas. What I did to loose weight is not eat much, and exsercise. Don't try to eat too much past and breads, and eat more vegetables and fruits. If you knew that the body doen't like to burn fat because its a sourse of energy, you would have looked at it in a different way woul't you? well... now you know. When you exsercise you burn calories, thats why you have to exercise a lot to actually get to burn some fat. Its not easy but thats why you don't have to eat a lot. What I will make of a meal is two sandwhiches, a middium frys, and a middium soda. That is about what your bodu needs for a meal. But dude! don't eat that! I just used it as an example because everyone knows those foods. Umm... if you could eat some rice and chickes that= the 2 burgers, some saled that= the frys, and some orange juice that= the soda... that will just be fine. But... you need to exercise and eat right. If you exercise and than go and eat everything they have in Mc-Donals... that... will not help a lot; it will not help at all. So excercise and eat right. Good luck!!

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