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Depression Medication

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I dont see the point in this, why feel something fake? I constantly feel suicidal and depressed for a number of reasons i have explained before. But to force emotion is to lose identity and life. You know that there is something to live when you feel, its wen you feel nothing inside as i have experienced when you are really low. And even then you should never take medication to fix things, you either get through it and live or cave into it and die. that is life, how we die.

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I was depressed, and I still am a little bit. But...I got better. I am getting put on medication and I don't see a problem with it, because I know when I'm miserable I make everyone else around me miserable. I want to get better because it's so much more fun being happy, and positive. It's like how you get a vaccine...it just helps. Some people may not want to get better though, but I was so desperate to get better I would do anything, just to be happy again.



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Okay, I went and looked at your other posts... You have these thoughts, I believe that we all do, I know that I do.. Try not to dwell on them because it will only feed into the pain more... like if your thinking about your mom dying or just negative things in general, do you think that you could throw out those thoughts? Like just throw them out? or shake em off? Maybe, perhaps look at the bright side... IF you think more about positive stuff, then more than likely you will have a more positive attitude toward life. Do you a creative side? Music, Art, and Writting, could be a tremendous release of these feelings. Or perhaps indugle into a book or a movie to put your mind somewhere else. We all have these low points, even if it seems like its been going on forever... It will take some time & hard work if you want to get over this. Like the old saying goes you can accomplish anything you set your mind to... If you want to get over this you can... I hope that this helps... You can always send me an AIM at vickirose17 if you want to chat about this...

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lost in life, I'm so glad you wrote this. That's exactly how I feel, but I'm now on Prozac, so I guess that's down the drain.


I feel like even though most people think how I am is something that needs to be fixed, I feel like me is just me, and that should be accepted....


I don't want to start a big controversy, because I know no one will agree with me, so that's just my opinion.



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