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Ex ever done a uturn and changed their mind?

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Just wondering if anyone here has ever had an ex who changed their mind and gave the person a 2nd chance...

like for instance my ex who i was with for 4 years, we split up 15 months ago.. we spoke of marriage etc.. had plans for future, were due to move in together but i kissed another girl and confessed and she was devastated but i took breakup badly and begged etc.. for months i couldnt let go and in the 15 months apart she still wont give me a 2nd chance... she wont talk to me. .she changed her number... I have not spoken to her in about 3 months.. I realise I was wrong and stupid in keep asking for a 2nd chance etc but that has now stopped.. I wont be contacting her anymore , I hope if possible that she realises that we had 4 great years together and this was a one off mistake by me.. I truly miss her.. we used to speak 4-5 times every day.. in 15 months apart we have spoken maybe 10-12 times and it was usally me who iniated the contact in this time , cos if i didnt i dont think she would have.. I just think that she was worth fighting for and hoped that 1 drunken mistake wouldnt wipe away our 4 years together...

Im hoping that with this space or No Contact she might miss me or think that she was a bit too harsh with me..

Just wondering has anyones ex done a complete u turn going from absolutely hating the person and saying that they want nothing to do with them and will never ever give them a 2nd chance etc etc to actually calling that person and offering a 2nd chance with the relationship.and living happily ever after...

Thanks for your input


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Two things.


Yes, you have no idea how manytimes I've heard, "He said he never wanted to speak to me again and then a week/month later he told me he loved me."


So the point is feelings change. But as I read your story I can't help but feel you can move on. When you completely forget about her, then that's when she is most likely to come back. Life is full of surprises, not expectations.


That day may come or may never come. If it did happen it would probably take years. You have to move on, hope for the best and prepare for the worst. But after everyone on here tells you to move on, you can always find solace in the phrase, "feelings change".

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Well, from the story it seems as if she's not planning on coming back. Changing your number is a drastic move too, and if it's been well over a year then chances are she's moved on. I suggest you do the same as it seems unlikely she is going to change her mind.


There are some circumstances where I'd say you have a shot, but in all situations with an ex-gf you shouldn't hold out hope. To do this -- even when hope or possible reconciliation is likely -- only hurts you in the long run if they end up not choosing you. Here though, it seems unlikely.


As sorry as I am to say it, I think she's done for you (especially the phone change). Do NC and move on man. It'll definitely help you in the long run.

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