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my mom...she's cheating on my DAD!!

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I in no way want to cast doubt on you, but are you sure of what you heard? Could it have been an old friend; maybe she was just joking around? Or are we talking here "Hi man who isn't my husband, I love you and want to run away with you."

I'm just trying to clarify.

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hi owlman!!

i didnt hear her talking to him just once and sorry i cant go into detail about what they talk about!

the problem is my dad love her more then anything in that world and she's cheating on him, she talk to that man infront of me and my brother because she know that we will not tell our father about it!!

she know him from long time ago!!

and im sick of keeping my mouth shut, and at the same time i know that i wont be able to tell my dad about it!

i dont know what to do, who should i tell what should i do!!

my dad thinks that she's the PERFECT wife...

but she's not!!

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Hi redangel,


This is a large burden for you to be carrying around. It also must hurt a lot to be suspicious of your mother and her relationship(s). This is a lot for you to deal with. Also, this is one of those decisions that has no right or wrong answer. You have two options: 1. Believing her or not believing her and just going on with your life or 2. Talking to her about this.


If you feel that you need more information, you may need to be honest with your mom and tell her about overhearing the phone calls. I know this may be hard because you feel that you have overstepped and breached your mother's privacy, but she may feel better knowing where you are thinking this way. Also, she may have some explanation for this. For example, she may admit it or have an explanation of who this person is.


If you do decide to talk to her about it, you need to address the situation in a mature manner. Do this at a time when it is you and your mother at a calm time, not in the heat of an argument. Let her know that you want her honesty and that you feel you have a right to know what is going on. Also, apologize for overhearing and be sincere. Let her know that this is really important to you and that you care what is happening within your family.


While you are deciding what to do, you may want to talk to a friend, peer counselor or a trusted adult about the situation. These kinds of situations are often hard to deal with and just talking about it can make it a little easier. Also, you need the support and guidance to help you along in the process.


I hope this helped you and wish you good luck in what you decide to do.


~ SwingFox ~

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thanks phantomsoul for putting ur self in my position, but my dad will never slap me!

SwingFox, i dont think that i can tell me mother about that!!

and im sick of hidding it, its driving me crazy!!

i feel like killing myself!....i cant stop crying!!

but telling my mom about it, no, i dont think its a good idea because she dont care!!

i hate my life!!

i wanna die, i cant live like that!

should i kill my self!!


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Hi redangel,


I am sorry that my words weren't of any help to you. Actually if you read my reply again, you will see that I didn't advice you to do so, I was trying to give you points of view (IF you decide ..., etc.). I understand this is not an option for you.


My suggestion to both you and Phantom is, though, to talk about this to someone that you really can trust, so that you don't bear your pain and hurt alone.


I apologize for the confusion and I hope this clarified myself a little better. I wish both of you good luck.


~ SwingFox ~

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