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Hey would anyone help please!!!!!!

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Hi, i am a 15 year old male and recently fingered my girl friend. ever since that ive been having sexual urges that arnt really tamed but maturbation. and ive been wanting to save my first time for someone special but the older i get the more i want to have sex. my girl friend and i were about to have sec but i turned her down and she dumped me. so should i just have sex with some girl or wait and keep jacking off??

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Like you said, you had the chance to have sex, but turned it down. Obviously because you weren't ready to do so. I cannot even tell you how mature that decision was. don't have sex until you are ready to do so. So you turned that girl down, and she dumped you. She obviously didn't lovee you, and only wanted you for sex. Stick to your hand, and wait on sex!

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Hey guy,


I am amazed at your maturity because at fifteen I would have nailed anything that was offered too me. Did I mention that I am weak willed when it comes to women? lol


If your not ready then your not ready. Don't rush into something till you can't take it anymore or meet the one.




Go find another girl that will respect that decision.



Hubman 8)

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Like June4life said. I guess she didn' love you thats why she dumped you. And I guess you two were wearching for the same thing... "sex" and thats why things didn't worked out. Oh well. By the way... masturbating will never be the same as a person to person real sex. So I guess you'll have to keep searching for someone that wants you but you will only be able to do it when you are ready. No doughts, no thingking, just stright to it.

Good luck

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I think you've shown your maturity in the best way possible. Sex IS ment to be saved for someone special. God says that we are supposed to have sex only with the person we marry and will spend the rest of our lives with.


I encourage you to maintain your decision to wait. And I am glad to see that you've had the strength to control yourself so far in life.


Hope this helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

While I can understand the urges you've been feeling, I do not think sex before you are legal to drive is the best idea!


I hate to put a damper on things here, but for those of you who gave the advice to find another girl who wants to have sex----have you seen the teenage pregnancy and STD statistics lately??? I teach in a high school where at least six or seven girls under the age of 17 become pregnant each year! Are they ready to become parents? Is this 15 year-old ready to deal with fatherhood or a lifetime of dealing with herpes outbreaks or genital warts or a short lifetime with HIV? Do you realize that AIDS is the number one killer of young African-American women?


Sex needs to wait----and so do you!

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