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My in-laws lost another cat in just a few months of the last one dying

scared and alone

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i feel so bad Their pets are their children, they had 4 cats, all of them 10+ years. A few months ago they lost the cat they were closest too, which was just DEVASTATING for my MIL and just two days ago, another cat passed. She was 17. While my husband (who also had the cats for a long time) are both sad, I feel just horrible for my mother in law. like me, her cats are her world. And to lose them so closely together. I feel just awful. We all just have to remember they are no longer suffering. I just hope they don't lose any of the last two this year. We all knew it was coming, but didn't think it would happen THIS soon. We were just talking about it at the beginning of this year when they were all still here. Crap, i'm gonna cry again.

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I'm sorry to hear about the cats passings It's very sad when pets die. However, we have to remember that they can't live forever! 17 years old for a cat is a very good age. You mention that all the cats are 10+ years which means they have all lived long and happy lives. Pets can't live forever unfortunately, and I have experienced the sadness of pets dying throughout my life too.

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oh I know. And I agree, she was a very old cat and had a wonderful, loved life. And I am glad she is not in pain anymore. I just feel bad (selfishly for the humans) to lose pets so close in time. But we all know that she lived very free and spoiled and very loved. I guess I am just worried about my mother in laws emotions at this time. but she is so loving that while she does very much mourn the loss of her babies, she would NEVER want them to suffer (and what caring pet owner would?). The saddest part of losing this cat is, she was so old that she was every day confused of where she was (she was mostly deaf and going blind) that she would just meow so loudly several times of day and at night, that while annoying, they got used to it and now it is so quiet that it is a sad quietness that you never want to loose. I really miss her too

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When they get to that age though, like you said, you kind of feel relieved when they pass because you don't want them to suffer. When my 17 year old dog passed away I waited a short while and then I adopted a new puppy from a shelter The wonderful feeling of saving a dog from a shelter ended up eclipsing my sadness at the time.

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