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If i say I love u and there is no return?

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I concur with ComputerGuy I really has no negative affect on the relation ship. It shows that you are strong enough to tell her how you feel. Now maybe its that she don't have the courage to say "I love you" back, or maybe it she don't feel that way, and then again could be combination or both or more. Just take it one day at a time, and go with the flow. In time she might say it, but still be prepared for it not to happen, just might need time.


Best of luck to you both.

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Be careful though. Some girls freak out when you say it because that means things are getting serious. If it were me, I would not say it until she said it first.


Why should you say it anyway? It won't hurt the relationship, but won't make it better anyway. Let her say it first, then you are sure enough.

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I say go ahead and say it. Some girls *may* freak out, but most would think it's sweet, even if they can't say it back yet. By saying it, you're also giving her a chance to consider her own feelings. And for all you know, she just may be afraid to say it.


I don't think waiting for a girl to say it first is the best idea if you want to say it. I know I worry about saying the wrong thing (as with lots of other girls) and I would never say it first just because boys are notably more commitment-phobic. Besides, if everyone waits for the other to say it first, no one is going to say anything!


You're doing a brave (and incredibly sweet thing) by saying "I love you" to the girl you love. Let her know how you really feel.

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hi um when i was datin my now ex i told him i loved and at the beginning he said nothin back and then he started saying it back.It bothered me at first but it felt awesome when he said he loved me .so when the right time comes i hope u do tell her u love her!!!!!!!! it makes some girls feel loved and wanted!!! hope i helped!!

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