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Spare time, but no actions....


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Once again I face the situation where I have nowhere to go with my relationship....


Here's the story...


I wished everything would be okay after the short breakup and after a couple of days we got back together...

So the thing is, on the 17th of october i will have 1 Year with my GF, and seemed like the first 3-6 months was okay, but now that school has started i feel like the priorities have changed a lot.

Until today everything seemed to be Okay, seemed to be fine. But as my actions to improve the relationship started, she has felt the need to keep away from me...

I mean, it's awkward that just when we are about to reach 1 Year anniversary thing are going from good to bad.

I have invited her to restaurants, given gifts, had great intercourse about a month ago, but now, whenever i Try to reach her, i feel like she wants me to keep away. not in a Bad way but just to give her some time (although we meet like 45min's a day)

The thing is , i have put so much effort into this relationship that i just can't quit it like snap, its over, i have thought of breaking up finally and once and for all. But it's hard and time consuming.

I love her, I really do, but seems like I'm doing it all to please my self not her.


Okay so she gave me a promice: "yes, let's be together and have some time for ourselves!"

So yeah, okay, I agree, seems like a nice idea, but she suddenly changed it: "sorry but i have to meet up with my friends!"

Okay, i can forgive that, but what about tomorrow Sure, why not, i'm free!"

Okay, so then I call her, ask about her promice, and when are we gonna meet up after school exactly?

Reply Oh i Have huge schoolwork to do, sorry I can't!"


* * * , u promiced 2 times, and now you are busy although you said you were free.?!?!


I feel Like i have to make it all back to her, when she truly want's to be with me, I'll just say, okay, sure, and then say OH i'm busy, cant!" So basically I feel like my trust and time has been used, and not in a good way, I want to spend time with her, but WITH HER, NOT BY MYSELF!


What should I do, how should I react?


I'm tierd of this nonsence and I truly now bealive that I'm on a homerun.


I'm stuck in a room without any ideas and no windows to see outside. I feel stuck, Used, and been taken over by my actions.

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it sounds like she is not in a position to be in a committed relationship at this time. Her time is consumed and clouded with other issues and she simply cannot place her relationship with you at the top of her list of priorities. However, it seems as if you are at a point which you want a relationship to be a top priority. You have to decide whether or not a relationship with her is worth waiting for. Both of you are at different levels. If you pressure her into a commitment, she may comply but the relationship that you are seeking will never materialize. The danger with relationships is that both people have to be ready to enter it and have to know the characteristics of what makes a successful relationship. Going into it without those two keys will usually result in the relationship ending permanently.

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