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Another "does she like me or doesn't she?" thread! Yay!


I've known this really nice girl for a long time - since grade five, so that makes it about eight years or so... She's attractive and definatly my type. It's so easy to talk to her about anything... It's simple to talk for so long it seems as though time flew by before I knew it. This is strange since I'm usually a shy person and can never even bring myself to ask a girl out Whenever she and I are on MSN together she always talks to me right away (or vice versa) - this probably means nothing but I usually have to start the conversations with the people who are online...

We always have fun together... She sat beside me for an entire semester and commented to her friend that "Joey's cute and a nice guy". After her friend asked her why she likes me so much...


Her friend's constantly asked her to come and sit by them for the entire semester - she usually said that she was happy where she was. I suppose this is a good time to mention that we sat in a table group all by ourselves for the entire semester. She walked into the class on the first day and sat down and never left except once - which I think was a test to see if I would follow her? When she went and sat by her friends. She was glancing at me during the entire time and said "why dont you come sit beside me?" with a way of her hand at one point... One of her friend's doesn't like me and said no. But she always agrees with me and disagrees with that friend... And I think her friend holds that against me...


She also invited me to her church - she offered that I could teach some sunday school lessons with her... She said that I should apply to her summer camp - that lasts for six weeks - and be a leader with her... She said that we'd have a blast together and that the camp would be great. I plan on taking her up on her offer of the church and maybe even the camp next summer...


I don't really know what this means... Does she like me? I think maybe she does a little bit. I don't want to ask her out... I don't have the courage to do so - I've never had success in asking a girl out - and I really would like to talk to her and hang out with her some more first. I was going to see how she started acting once I went to her church and I would go from there... But, I figure maybe some advice/opinions first would be cool.


Thanks for any help.

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Stop being shy before she gets discouraged!


Maybe a little too harsh, if she likes you so much I think she'll keep hinting until you get the message (unless you give out the 'im not interested in you in that way' signals by mistake), although I do agree, I think you should ask her out to something which she might see as a date, maybe the implied date can be as effective as asking her out, all it takes is a moment for you two to become romanticly involved, go for it, she sounds really into you.


Good luck



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dude are you dense or what. how old are you?? I'm sorry but if I was your brother I would've kicked your asss for even asking this. Just exactly what part of her signals do you not understand?


if you're still too chicken to ask her, well then just start hanging out with her as much as possible and she'll probably make the move and be the one wearing the pants in the relationship


I usually try to be nice replying to posts here, but there are people who could use advices, and then there are those who just need a smack in the head to make their eyes open

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sorry I pressd ethe button by mistake.. anyway with attention to the qout I can see clear examples of some serious singalling..(from her) .. for me that MSN talk that you mentiones means nothing I think is the key and since you said that you are a shy person (like me) MSN and online chat is a bery helpful tool for us to express our feelings toward someone. I say she definitely likes you.. you see in my case which you wre very kind to help me .. she doesn't start a conversationm in MSN which really got me thinking that maybe I am just wasting my time.... good luck and tell us what happened.

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