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double trouble with girls

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hey everyone I need help. Where to start well... I guess how I react to girls. When i'm with girls and some of my friends i'm pretty funny. I mean most of the girls laugh at what I say. that's good . Here's the problem, I like two girls and don't know which to ask out. and if that wasn't bad enough both of the girls I like are also liked by some of my best friends. this is not good. Neither of my friends has asked either of the girls out but still. how can I get the attention to me that their paying to my friends. I know I told you I make girls laugh. I feel fine around all other girls, but with these two I can't. any tips would be apreciated bye


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Well, there aren't any ways around this situation. You must weigh yuor options and decide which one of these makes you happier. After that, you have to ask the girl that you chose out like right away. If you don't your friends will and you will be without either of them.

Hope this helps you. I know the decision will be a tough one to make, but if you don't make one at all, you will lose out big time.




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well said man!! one question, what if you just want to ask them out but ot get laid straight-away?? like, if they are your friend or something? you can read my posts to get a back-ground. I know...my story is pretty pathetic but this is not the chick i'm talking about, its another one.

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