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I think my fellas cheating on me

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I think my fellas cheating on me. When I called him twice yesterday he didnt answer me, but when i witheld my number he answered. He's alays making excuses not to talk to me. We dont live near each other, he lives in London and I live in Birmingham.

I dont know what to do. I love him so much and I dont know what to do.

Please help me.

Im so upset.

He know's i love him.

Thanx for reading.

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I think he might be cheating on you too...and I know that hurts. I've been there. I realize that you still love him...I still loved my "cheater" too, but trying to keep with him can hurt more than letting him go. Unrequited love is painful. I'm sure that he knows you love him, but maybe you should find someone who is deserving of the love that you lavish on him...he isn't worth it....especially with that phone thing. Ok? Best of luck! Oh...and it probably wouldn't hurt to approach him about the cheating thing, if you get the chance to talk with him. Ok?

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