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I know what I want, but how to get it?

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I've been talking about getting in shape for awhile now. And I've been reading posts, and much talk is about going to a gym and whatnot, which you have to pay for.


Since I'm only 16, and I don't have the money to pay for a gym every month, I'm going to have to find a way to get the results I need through home excercise.


What I really want, is to tightly tone my stomach and chest. I have some definition in my stomach, but there is some meat there that has to go. What exactly should I do to get this *6 pack* that I want, and to tighten my chest (boobs lol).


I was thinking about lifting weights and doing some excercises with an excercise ball because we have them and I heard they are good. So what should I do, and how often? Is it even possible? I'm ready to do anything.

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You can do a great deal at home with some discipline.


I saw a book by Men's Health the other day that details out fitness programs for men (even young men) designed for at-home implementation.


Mens health fitness and wellness books are a good balance of understanding the factors that go into being healthy and getting that body that you always wanted. I have met more than one personal trainer that uses it as a bible.



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when you want defined muscles, its important to lose body fat in addition to working out muscle groups. you could have a six pack that is covered by a layer of fat and you wouldnt even know it!! make sure you incorporate cardiovascular exercise into your routine (go jogging, walking, jump rope) these are all things that cost no $$ but are effective in burning body fat. you'll have your six pack and be healthy all at the same time! good luck!

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Push-ups are something you can do at home too, and that will tighten up everything. Do you have a city recreation center near where you live? I belong to our city's Parks and Recreation system, and for just a $100 a year, I can go to any rec center in the city. They all have weightrooms/gyms AND pools. You can't beat a deal like that.

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there are alot of differnet ways to loose weight but this is one way where i found to be most effective...... I have lost 35 bls this summer through this and alot of work outs....


so anywho.... find a track, like at your school or what not..... if u can't find a track than find a circle or stretch of area where u can run at that is about 1/4 mile. So u go there in the morning before you eat anything and sprint a lab.... when i say sprint, i mean everything you'v got..... like when u come back from that lab u wana die...... so after one lap wait 5 minits... than do another lap... and so on.... start out at like 3 laps... and eventually move your way up..... I think this is the best cardio work out that i have found...... and if u just hate running in general..... try to elliptical at the gym those are very nice and easy to run and but they dont hurt at all and burn the same amount of fat as tredmill.


good luck with ur training.... o and if u are really serious about getting into shape..... u need to watch what you eat..... im pretty much on a strict protien diet where i eat mostly all protien based products like eggs, tuna, beans... stuff like that..... always run and an empty stomach tho... it works so much better....


best wishes..


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