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Multiple Orgasm for Guys

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I tried Jack Johnstons key sound technique and I have to tell you it works. Makes you feel tingly all over. Similar to Tantrique technique I believe.

I don't think I have done it long enough to experience the full effect, but it is pretty cool.



I got rid of my premature ejaclulation problem with it too. Don't ask me how, I just don't have that problem anymore. Sex has never been better.


Good luck!!

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I got two books on the subject from the library today. it's really funny that the books weren't even on the shelves, those were the only two books in the section that had a empty box saying "ask the front counter to borrow this book". lol, maybe people steal them or something?


if these two books don't help maybe I'll check out that ebook. and maybe I'll check out ksmo sometime too

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