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wtf is wrong with me....

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greetings...i am new to this board, my names lance im 15...my therapist referred me to several boards such as this one and this is the first one i have joined...i hav a practical encyclopedia of mental illnesses i have to deal with day to day, and if that wasnt enuff my mother disowns me, its a wonder she hasnt sent me to an orfanage, and of cource,were poo.


my therapist suggested moving from a subburban town in PA to some hick town in WI, to give me a "new life" dear ***ing god in heaven how did they think that would help me?! moving me from all i knew and all that made me happy?!my friends, my only joy, everything i knew all gone, i told them id rather die than move, they didnt listen...my insanity is like a sleeping dragon dealing with all this is hard......and god i thought it couldnt get any worse......


i used to use AIM alot, after a month on living in WI i signed on for the first time, i was determiend to forget all i knew and i wiped my buddy list clean, all except for one my frend K i cant live without her, shes great for advice shes save dmy life a few times...she introduced me to her frend charlotte......dear god....to make a very long story short i fell in love with charlotte, shes my life, i have NOTHING else, nothign at all, shes unliek any girl ive ever emt and we both love each other so much.........ill never see her......theres no way in hell of me returning to PA......the only thing i have left is with held from me........


i ask for adive, of anykind......i just need something new to help me cope with feeling like killing things 24/7.....advice on hwo to take things....i dont normaly ask for adice, by all emans im extremely independent, but all is lost......i need something new......i look to you all.

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You really seem to have everything covered, but I just wanted to say that I moved around alot when I was a teenager and it did make me feel like the sky was falling. It really isnt though and maybe things will work out where you are now. I would say "you will make friends" but I am sure you know that and that wont solve the problem of missing your old friends either. Sorry, I really thought when I started this I could be more helpfull. Good luck!

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do you have a hobby? try falling into a habit of something, wether it be, trying to learn what the hell fashion is all about, maybe get a long bow and start shooting targets, (ya should probably stay away from guns) and if you do pick up a hobby, find something that takes a while to learn, because if its easy to learn, then ya might start to hate it, maybe start reading


just find something to distract yourself from any dangerous thoughts or needs or whatever, and the sooner that you recuperate, the sooner you may join your love back in PA

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