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am i scared onf the future?

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i lost my dad to cancer 5 months on thursday in a different country, and i think that (sometimes) im gettin along well and doing ok...but. its like this im in my final year of 6th form, im gonna be taking my alevels in june, and if i pass 1 ill get into the college that i want to, which is my dream,(to be a fashion designer). so basically what im tryin to say is that yes im workin, and my dreams may come to me, but why do i feel 100000% scared of it all. its like i dont wanna go to London and i dont wanna live and grow up, im just to scared of it all.


can anyone help me, sort out my confused head?


much appretitated,




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One is usually scared when one grows...


Your fear is the fear of growth.


And this is natural.


Some people get over it, others are destroyed by it.


The time has come for you to decide - how will you behave?


Choose joy.

Choose liberty.

Choose life.


If you choose all this - you will overcome the challenge.

Any challenge presents new opportunities for being human, for loving.



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Uncertainty makes people worry. All the what ifs can drive you crazy, but remember that response is just survival instinct. Your own way of pointing out to yourself the possibilities. Just kindof giving yourself a preview of what could happen. College scared me to death I was so scared I would fail and everyone was expecting me to do well, but after my first semester I started feeling a lot more comfortable. That initial shock was over and it didnt seem so scary any more. An adviser gave me some good advise "take a light course load" It seems dumb to start slow, but pretty quick I was glad I didnt have toooooo many classes. Sorry to hear about your father. Good luck with every thing!

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The future is a scary thing... I am just leaving my "teens" and I remember too when I was at your stage. Sadly, you have lost your father early, and have been faced with death much younger than I. But I do remember, fearing the future. Fearing losing my friends, my loved ones, college, not knowing what I would end up doing? To tell you the truth, some of that still scares me! But I also know that the future brings great and wonderful things.


Meeting new people, discovering new hobbies, travelling to new places...! Growing up is fun and not as scary as I thought. Leaving school and going to college is scary, I agree but still so exciting. I have met some wonderful people after leaving school, got a lot more freedom and started studying something I love - photography!


There are many positive things in the future, so look forward to them. Sure, some unfortunate things will happen, but without them, you couldn't have the great things.


Chin up.

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to all the kind people that replied to my post thank you so very much.

I have taken your advice, and it helps that it makes sense, its nice to have some one else's views thats not my own or family and friends. But to whiteliliy what you said:


"Sadly, you have lost your father early, and have been faced with death much younger than I."


it was really weird but that little sentense really shook me up, im not used to the notion of my dad being dead, but yoursentense in away just that bit where you say "you lost your father", its kinda spoke out to me, and im kinda relived in away. its kinda made me come outta this self pittying daze that i seem to be in alot of the time. im sorry if im babling on, but TH ANK YOU! and yes i will keep my chin up....well try to!


Ashland71-thank you so very much, its cool that i wont be the only one worrying about going to college, what a baby ive been.lol.thank you!



those are some serious wise words, beautiful aswell, of which like the rest have spoken in volumes. Thank you, and yes i will chose life, liberty, and deffinately JOY.




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