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We broke up, He wants casual, But wont look at me at school

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*note people that have read a previous post my me.. this is a different guy*


My ex who we shall call N.. him and i were together for 2 months and everything was prefect.. ( even the 1293239487123 fone calls a nite ) and then he got to know these druggies.. and started hanging around with them and broke up with me because i wasnt cool enough.. and I didnt do drugs. and a few months later he comes back to me and says do i want casual.. and.. i was ok with it at first. .thinking ok we so can have a causal conversation ( i still felt for him at the time as well which kind of sucked ) and then i walk past him at skool and he just wont say hi.. he will look and look away. .even if its jsut him and i walking down the hall. I saw him once in wollies ( a super marker in australia ) with the guy that broke us up ( i was wtih a friend of mine ) and she said hi to them n stuff and we were being poliet and talking.. and he wouild no look or say a word to me.. yet he still talks to me on msn saying how he wants to get with me n stuff.. i dotn know if i should go with him and keep it a secret.. or should just tell him to go away..?

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This may just be what I think, but I def. think you should drop him. When he talks to you online next time you need to either bring this issue up, or block him. If he's really interested in you then he would cut out the drugs and clean up.. If not, then you're too good for him. I already think you're too good for him. You deserve a nice guy, so I think you should go find one


Sorry.. I gues this is just mean and not real advice

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