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Girls help! I got my foot in the door; so now about dating.

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tomorrow is my window of opportunity to date her!


After I finished work I went to the local bookstore. Within 5 minutes I was in a pretty decent conversation with a girl whom works there. We're basically the same age...and lives within a reasonable range of my house.


I spent an incredible 2 hours in conversation with her. The only reason it even ended was because the store was closing and they had to count the tills.


Intelligently enough, though not aquiring her phone number, I did manage to learn when she was working next. Again, another conversation erupted and a 20 minute break gave me everything i needed to get my foot in the door.


Absoultley amazed when I bought a drink for her, we sat at a table in Starbucks for roughly 15 of those minutes talking like we always have. Marvalous! I think buying the drink was a good htink. Her face lit up and she didn't stop smiling. As I walked her back to the store I could not get out the words to ask her out; but my own logic seemed to think that I shouldn't have anyways.


Asking her out while she is still at work and just at the last second as she was walking in the front doors probably wouldn't be great. and Our coversations have been while she was at work. SO. I asked if she's like to go for coffee after she was off work. She agreed. "Sure why not" she said.


Unfortunatley, this circumstance does have a bit of a time restriction. But I wanna know if this is when i should ask her out, or under what development we make that I should. This is a pretty good preliminary "first-step" to getting there, but I don't know if i either want to or have to make a "second-step" before asking her out.




I really need to know what my window of opportunity is.


thanks so much !

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