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Is my boyfriend a perv...?

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I spent the last couple of days at the shore with my friend, and we were talking about how some guys are perverted. And she said "all guys are perverts..." Are they?? I told her that my boyfriend (whose friends with my friend) , isn't, cause he's just so polite and I can tell he's respects me and stuff...he's really nice...and she mentioned something about how a month before we went out, he would always stare at this one girls boobs (as every guy supposedly did/does) Umm....does that make him a pervert? And if it does...does that mean he's STILL perverted and looking at ME like that??? Or maybe I should just dumb him...?

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He's not a pervert. Virtually all men can't help but notice that women have boobs. I mean theyare right there for crying out loud

Men are fascinated with women's breast because babies suck on them.


Sex creates babies


Atleast he isn't in denial about his manhood like some men allow themselves. Except for the ones who look and don't make it obvious they are looking.

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I don't think you need to worry about that. Not all guys are perves, but I don't think anyone will not notice a girls boobs. Heck I think a blind guy would notice. You have to understand that men and women alike have hormons. What would make him a pervert is if he disrespects you or clearly starts stopping and staring at people or commenting (in excessive amounts and/or detail) about other womens body to you. If he is polite and takes into consideration what makes you uncomfortable and what doesn't then he is not a pervert as far as I can tell. You wont find anybody that is any different anyway.


And as far as women going around calling men perverts, I'd like to see where your eyes would go if I ran accross your lawn naked, not at my face that's for sure. Realize that most women show off their body, they sure as hell aren't expecting people not to look.

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just because he used to look at some girls boobs and looking at your age, im assuming hes around that, meaning him looking is VERY NORMAL. now the fact that he respects you and doesnt really do that with you is not because he isnt attracted to you but because he truly does respect you. and im sure he does think about you sexually as well, but its not all he looks at. you guys are a couple, and you shouldnt be worried about this. who knows, maybe your friend was trying to make you feel a little uneasy. it could be just because shes jealous of you having a relationship. i dont know what kind of friend she is, but that is not necessarily true. even if it is, its not something to freak out about.

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now the fact that he respects you and doesnt really do that with you is not because he isnt attracted to you but because he truly does respect you. and im sure he does think about you sexually as well, but its not all he looks at.


Hmmm, I would like to emphasize a little thing called "persistance."


There is nothing wrong with respecting a woman, but if a man is going to get some he's going to have to be a little resiliant to the BS waiting game girls give guys who are trying to get into their pants. If you are in a relationship with a girl sometimes little hints such as looking at her boobs can get things heated up taking that she also wants this.

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The other idea to keep in mind is that he didn't ask her out, did he? You can't really punish him because he looked at another girl before you went out with him, that really would exclude all guys from being your boy friend--unless he really were blind, lol.


That he looked at her body doesn't make him a pervert, I feel, if he had asked her out just because he thought that he wanted her for her body, that is a different story. I think that as long as you and he are honest and you tell him what you like and he tells you what he likes, then you will be alright.


You can't break up because he looked at another girl, that isn't right!

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It sounds like there is an allusion to be drawn to cheating. I don't think girl really much mind guys going as far as "flirting and friendly touching" before it is considered cheating. Once you starting "Kissing"....well you're screwed =P haha. at least that's what I've heard. As for the otherwise, girls generally accept a light galnce as they know it's just instinct.

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I don't blame guys for looking at girls' breasts. That's just a primal thing. And I don't think you can honstly say that you've never looked at another guy's butt (or other body part) before. And if he does look at your breasts (you said he was respectful, so I'm guessing that he wold be discreet and polite about it)m then I think you should be flattered.


That's my two cents.

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It sounds like there is an allusion to be drawn to cheating. I don't think girl really much mind guys going as far as "flirting and friendly touching" before it is considered cheating. Once you starting "Kissing"....well you're screwed =P haha. at least that's what I've heard. As for the otherwise, girls generally accept a light galnce as they know it's just instinct.


what do u mean "once you've started kissing"???

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