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getting the attraction and getting some contact

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I've been thinking about this girl all evening. This, of coruse, is the story of the girl who caputured my attention


After I finished work I went to the local bookstore. Within 5 minutes I was in a pretty decent conversation with a girl whom works there. We're basically the same age...and lives within a reasonable range of my house.


I spent an incredible 2 hours in conversation with her. The only reason it even ended was because the store was closing and they had to count the tills.


Naturally one would as "So do you guys have a date?"

'Fraid not, or at least not yet

I wrote my name, email, and phone number on a piece of paper and was thinkin gof something witty to say for like 15 minutes; so it would be nice and smooth when I gave it to her before I left. I was trying to be too smooth for my own good


it almost seems like something out of a movie;

...I go to the book store, to try to find a book, I end up talking to the girl that works there, fall head over heels, and does everything to try to meet her again...


i have a small concern.

She is definatley a naturally outgoing person but I'm trying to see if I crossed a line. I was kind of hanging around. We were joking that I had been there for so long. Since I got to the point were I was just standing there and talking. I just hope I didn't creep her out at all.


i just can't help but think that I was there too long

or am I just being paranoid that I could lose a potentially good thing.


and why I stupidy stupidly stupidly didn't figure out if she was s-i-n-g-l-e or not. But i think that she prolly is single if she was talking to me so in-depth.



Am I paranoid? Should I see her at work again? Can I tell for sure if I had any impact on her?


this is what I was thinking:

I'll go there when she works next, ask her when she gets off, if she'd like to go for a coffee or something, and say it was 'cause I enjoyed talking to her.


Any responses will be absolutley GREAT!!! take care!

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Don't ask her to coffee right off the bat. IMO, that would come accross a little too needy if you know what I mean. Next time you are in there you could buy something and then tell her not to keep you so long this time with the chat....or you could just ask for her phone number.


IMO, there's nothing wrong or 'weird' about a guy asking a girl he likes for their number....it's not strange....it's "natural". But you SHOULD have got her number when you were there before. Nothing fancy...just get her number and get out....call her to make arrangements for coffee a couple days later.

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Too needy? I thought that was perfect. My dad says I should just ask her to a movie but these days movie dates are lameo. I could get somethoing and say something along those lines... but I am also resisting asking for her number. I think that seems more needy than me giving mine to her. I figure that's a little smoother but iunno. What kind of relationship experience do you have?


I do regret not officially setting something else up with her. tomorrow I'll go to the store again...and leave her my number or even setup a coffee-date; unless , of course, I get a clear understanding why that's not the best way to go about this. I feel a coffe-date is also much more sophisticated than a movie-date or something along those lines; she's just a slight bit older (within months) which i doubt matters inthe slightest but iunno. eNotalone has the geniouses


within a couple days I hope to have at least set up a date or some kind of meeting preliminary to one.



any girls with advice on the subject. she's 18 so if that helps. a girl around her age may understand something that I, and other guys, will most likely not


any help much abliged. I will be able to check this thread after work and before I go to see her....but that's IF i get the window of opportunity.


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Well anything is better then nothing so in the end you are better off.


IMO, you should get HER number because just slipping her your number is a cop out...plus YOU want to be in control of your destiny.


IMO, asking for a coffee date is ok...but i feel it's too much too soon, getting the number is best.

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