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Growth Question, Growth Charts? Any relation?

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I am going to be 15 in a few months and I am only 5' 3" w/o shoes. I feel really short as I am sure some of you have before, I don't want any hgh or fake digestive crap to make me grow. I have a question though. I have noticed that at the beginning my school year last year I was about 5' 2" and it seems like I have only grown a inch this year I am disappointed by this. So I want to know are growth charts accurate or could I still have a growth spurt waiting? I have looked through many height calculators and usually got 5' 8 or 5' 9... I would like to be at least 5' 10 or 5' 11, although it would be nice to be 6 feet and above. So is there any possibility I could still grow to the average height of about 5' 11? I don't have all the time in the world to play basketball either, because from stories that I have heard basketball helps you grow but... I just want to hear success stories? I mean I am happy with my height now I am glad that at least I have have what's considered a healthy height and weight about 125 lb but I would like to know if I could seriously grow to be 5' 10 or 5' 11? Any success stories or third-person success stories?

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many people stop growing at 18....just make sure you have healthy meals.


I was shorter than you when I was that age, and when I finished high school I grew like a whole foot, and so did one of my friend...


Don't bother buying growth pills and all, but I would recommend you buy supplements, altho they are rather ecpensive.


Anyways, don't worry about your height.

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In fact, I know exactly how you feel. It wasn't until just before I was 16 that I began to have my growth spurt. And with the way my family background is, I probably have another down the pipeline.


The onset of puberty, and thereforeeee the onset of your growth spurt, is dependent on your genetics. Talk to your parents about when they started. When your aunts and uncles started. Even your grandparents. When I was 15, I was about 5'4" and desperate for growth. Now I'm 19, a bit over six feet tall, and only at about the stage of pubertal growth that most guys are at sixteen. This is exactly what happened with my 6'4" brother, who had a second growth spurt from 5'11" at age 20 and couldn't grow a beard until he was 22 or 23.


You'll grow. You're just a late bloomer.

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