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OK girls see if you can answer this

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Well today i went to school and and me and my friend were sitting on a bench waiting for school to start. My ex girlfriend walked by and i noticed but i acked as if i didnt, she did the same. she was talking to her friend and he had sun glasses, a few minutes later she walks by again with them on and looks back.a few minutes later she walks by again. what is she doing? now you have to understand the bench was against the wall and where she walked by was on the right side on the walk way. then a few minutes later she walked by again and twirled around and looked at me. then they were walking away to where i could see them and she stopps and acts like she is talking to him and she faces me and smiles but acts like i am not there. this whole time she has his sun glasses on. then at lunch i was talking to this girl and she passed by me and i guess she acts like we dont no each other. Or mybe its because all her friends are around. I called her last night and we talked for a while and she appolijized for what she did and so i did to. Then i started asking her questions about her she asked me why i was asking so many questions. i told her its because i want to get to know you again, then i aske her what is her favorite day of the year. She said today and i asked her why you picked today and she said its not about the past nor is it about the future. IS it because i called thats what made her so happy.

Why is she doing this, like this morning and is she just using her new bf for the time being and then shell come around or what is going on? please help!

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Is this guy with the sunglasses her NEW b/f?


And i think she was trying to tell you something over the phone about it being her favorite day, she didn't come out and say it, but i think she was hinting that YES it was because you called, talked things out, apologized, etc..those things mean a lot to a women, they are more sensitive, so doing that was a good thing on your part, Also try to be-Friend her, not reject her, by acting as if you don't see her, think of it like this.


You know when she see's you. (Gut feeling or Chemically)


So She knows when you See her.(Same from her, But women have a more acute sense of Knowing)


And yes these sense's are available to us, we just don't sharpen up on the use, because we don't use them as much as our 4 main



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Well, firstly, with her walking by over and over... she WAS trying to get your attention (because even though you were pretending you didn't see her-- she wanted you to) Girls (usually not a lot of women though) and especially in highschool do this as a tactic to really get you to notice them.... who they're hanging out with, seeing them smiling, having fun and looking great. She wanted you to see that-- but also was playing coy and not approaching you directly. When you called, and she said it was the best day of the year-- that should really convince you that she wanted you to notice her and eventually call her.


About the guy that was hanging out with her, he most likely was someone (as I predict) she was using to again, gain your attention... unless he really IS her new BF, and if thats the case-- she really shouldn't be carrying on with you the way she is....

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