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It's very tricky to say an exact appropriate age number. I would say since you are 16, not to go with anyone over 18. That is illegal and in some cases, even of it's consensual, it just gets too tricky. If you meet someone and it just kind of happens, well then it's different. You can make that decision if it happens but don't go out seeking much older guys until you are legal. As for the younger, well I would try to keep that within a couple years as well. Especially since you are so young. You go much younger and you are gonna get someone too immature for you. But once you are an adult, you have a little more room to date a different range of ages. Hope thathelped give you some prespective.

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I think that it has a lot to do with a guy's level of maturity. I haven't dated a younger guy, because I'm naturally more attracted to someone who's older than me. But if I do come accross a mature guy, who is younger than me, then I wouldn't see why not. I think that it also makes a big difference if he's somewhere past 25.


There's a general rule of thumb, where girls mature 3 years faster than guys do. I think that it's mostly true during adolescents. Then gradually, as both men and women reach the age of mid-twenties, when they're ready to settle, then they eventually level out on maturity. However, some guys are really mature for their age, and some aren't, vice versa. thereforeeee, they might be just as mature before early adulthood, and some might be even more immature in their late adulthood.


Acceptable age?...this will vary for each individual. Legally, in the U.S., anyone under 18 is forbidden to be with anyone who's over 18, in terms of sex. I understand why. But for your age, being with someone who is 20 isn't as bad, but legally, having sex with them is not okay. So, I think that for your age if you were to date someone younger, then 2 years is probably good. But I can't be the judge of that. I just don't understand where people marry those who are over the age gap of 30. I don't understand why some people honestly think that Anna Nichole was able to fall in love with someone who's old enough to be her grandfather. In that case, that age gap is waaay too much, I think. I'm just grossed out just thinking about it.

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idont get it...only jerks are attracted to me..why cant i find the nice guy but the problem is the hot ones are jerks....any hot nice guys out there??


If the hot jerks are the attracted to you, then you must be quite sexy since the hot jerks have the confidence and usually go for the hot girls. And if your a hot girl, every guy is going to want you (so don't worry about rejection), jerk or shy- its just that the jerk persues it. The nice guys don't have that confidence to come up to you, so i suggest you persue them (which ever one you most fancy).


N.B. All nice guys take note, hot girls do want nice guys, you just got to get there before the jerks do.


Good luck 8) 8) 8)

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I agree with with some of what vfunkera says. you are finding it difficult to meet nice guys, because jerks tend to be the ones who get themselves noticed first, whereas nice guys dont because thats part of their nature.


I think you are going to have to be a bit more bold and start asking guys out you never noticed before and not expecting them to be the one asking you out. Maybe you have some sort of reput.ation where nice guys think you aren't attracted to them. You never know.


-life x


PS. maturity levels? girls like to think they are more mature in adolescence, and maybe that is so, but i find they acted more mature in some ways because they wanted more mature things (stuff they they would read in magazines and such and such) and wanted to be mature more. but thats all it was, an act... it wasn't really maturity. guys are more laid back, so they tend to like a bit more fun.

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I totally agree with the last part, maturity in girls is not always "maturity". In my opinion both girls and guys can be at the same level but from what i've noticed girls dont like being seen with younger or guys of their own age. Its not maturity per se, its just that Older guys have moreprestige than younger guys...in what they can give..it comes down to the fact that men are givers and women are receivers...generally

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Hmm in my world the jerks go for the girls that the nice guys dont go for. If I see girls that have dated jerks or whatever I would never consider dating them because I think they must be a bit stupid or whatever for dating the jerks.

These guys do exist, but you probably don't notice them, because you hang around with the jerks and vica versa.

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