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Guys only have one thing on there mind?

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Some people have said that teenage boys only have their mind on one thing. You know what that "one thing" is....but is that true?? Is that all they care about when they have a girlfriend?? I hope not, I'm in a 3 month relationship with a guy and we're 15.....could that be all he has on his mind....??? [-X shame on them!





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Well a lot of people say that. It really depends on the guy and the guy and what his intentions are. You'll know if that is on his mind or not. I'm 17, i really dont' care about sex. There is more to a person that just their sex. There are people out there that just want sex and i think its bad that they are that way, cause there is more to a person than just sex. If your bf wants only sex you will know. Does he show that is all he thinks about? actions speak louder than words.

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No, this isn't true. It's an annoying stereotype that is true probably more often than not, but it's not completely true. I for one am more for the holding hands and cuddling than anything, I enjoy that much more. The problem is, like everything, a few ruin it for everyone.


Everyone thinks all guys want is sex, and girls seem to have that attitude and find it impossible to accept that a guy may be interested in something bigger than sex.


That's my 2c worth.

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have you been around 6 girls that haave nothing to do but talk. iahave and trust me they talk about about sex more time then most of my guy friends put together.most guys that really love there girl will most of the time talk about how sex was good and thats about it. but girls will get in to everything about sex with there girls, like how it was this ways, that way, but good if you do it this way and stuff like that. man even for a guy we do talk about it ya but girl holy, man do they talk about it alot more.

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Well... For what I know... well... yeah... There are some teen agers that all they think is about sex and other stuff related to it. Sheesh! He is kind of my friend and I... like feel sorry for him. All he comes at school for is only to find girls, get in a gf, bf relationship and get to his work. He doesn't do class work at all... etc. I'm discuss in how many girls he has been with and stuff but you know... thats his life. I really don't think or talk much about that part. Umm... I think that a gf, bf relationship is only to get to know your gf/bf beter for the next years. Some people think that when you get in a gf/bf relationship is when you have to start kissing, and playing those games, etc, etc. I'll tell you this... this guy thinks that being virgin is stupid. I'm sorrounded by Idiots he says but... I know that I'm not one and that I'm doing the right thing. I mostly just like talking to the girls, joking alround, and getting to know them better; not from inside their cloths but for what they feel, think, etc. I hope you get the point but yes... there are some teen that all they think is about that; and you will notice it fast.

I hope that helped! Best of luck!! 8)

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It could be just a stereotype perpetuated by teen movies etc....

However I do know that BOTH guys and girl talk about sex as if that is all they think about and not all of it is the truth either. Everybody wants to feel like they are big in the eyes of their friends so sometimes the truth goes out the window.

Teens have school, family, college, friends, jobs etc to also worry about!

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i have been dating this EXTREMELY beautiful girl (16 and shes fully developed, i couldnt have picked a better looking girl) for a couple weeks, but honestly im not in the relationship for the sex. we actually have a lot in common. for instance, we both have a great sense of humor, and i recently found out that we both want to go to the same college, and we live a few states away from it (its not a big college either). i mean, if i really wanted to just have sex all the time, i could go around my school and find some dirty girl that will do anything (might sound mean, but there are girls at my school that already know they will become prostitutes and arent afraid to let anyone know =\ ) but im more into a serious relationship.

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