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Im the guy with the daddy restraining order. And this morning, by a stroke of fate, me and my ex showed up for school half an hour late. I was walking to my class as she pulled up. She waved, so I stood their for a moment waiting for her to park. She did, and then came over to me. we talked for a bit about nothing really, then i dtried to convince her to buy a snowboard. because i took her snowboarding once and she loved it, and at Zummies their is an awsome deal on last years boards. Neways. So I cut our fun short to go to class.

After class she and I came out to the parking lot at nearly the same time. I'll admit, I went slow getting into my car in hopes that she would come out. Well we talked again. then as i was leaving I said we should hang out some time. She agreed, and said it'll be hard since their is that 6 month daddy restraining order. i told her it'll be more exciting. she smiled. Then at the light on the way out form school she told me to go to a certain party that one of our mutual friends is having, cause she'll be their.

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She could be trying to trick you. Why did you have a restaining order in the first place. Wait 6 mos, see if she is still willing to see you...or she can tell you that she is going to remove the restraining order herself.


Do not break the restraining order or you are going to end up in jail.

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ok I'm the direct guy, the jerk...you may not like this, but I will say it anyway...


As far as the two previous posts go...very sorry, but that is all irrelevant...


There is a restraining order against you. I truly don't care why. Or how. Or if it is fair or unfair. But the truth inherent is this...you did something that was cause enough, with sufficient evidence proving the fact, for a court to grant the order...and here is the only important question right now...


What have you done to rectify the mistakes you have made? What steps have you taken to acknowledge, accept, and change the things about you that caused these problems? If the answer is nothing, then I will say that you will walk this road again in the future. The same mistakes and problems will be evident in your future relationships, with this girl or with others.


We all make mistakes, and we are all responsible for our actions. I don't think it is appropriate for anyone to comment on your situation regarding a reconciliation unless you have taken steps to change yourself, the problems you have and face. Sorry, I know that is really tough and hard and direct, but it is also truth. Or at least my strong and sincere version of it.


Despite this, I wish you the best...and I also hope that you have or will address the issues that you need to address, in order for you to have success in all the future aspects of your life...Michael

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gosh, if that is the case, I will aplogize...with heartfelt truth and sincerity.


There is nothing saying that the "daddy" is not just very unreasonable...I am sorry, but I had never heard of that before. I read "restraining order" and jumped to the only conclusion I knew...sorry again if that is the case...Michael

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