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How can I cure my dog's seperation anxiety?


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My dog suffers from seperation anxiety. I have tried a number of different methods to try and cure him but I have had no sucess.

He isn't interested in toys at all and I've tried hiding treats for him but he shows no interest in those until I return home. I've tried going out for short periods but he still gets anxious after about 1 minute and starts constantly barking until I return. Any suggestions please?

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I have the same problem with my Yorkshire Terrier, he's almost 15 years old. When he knows I am going out and will be left alone, he starts following me and shaking. The problem started when my other Yorkshire Terrier passed 3 year ago. I can't even go to the toilet without him following. If I leave the room without him noticing, he will get distressed and run up and down the stairs, in and out every room until he finds me. He's too old for toys so that isn't an option for me either.


We are the most important thing in our dogs lives and they become dependant on us especially if we have a tight bond with them. If your dog had a choice he would spend every minute of the day with you. When you leave him at home, he gets distressed, wondering where your going, why he can't be with you and if/when you will be coming back.


There is no quick and easy way to treat this problem so whichever method you choose to treat the separation anxiety you need to sick with it and not expect immediate results.


Is your dog always by your side when your at home? You need to slowly teach him that he does not always have to be close to you. Ignore his attention seeking behaviour - jumping up, barking etc. Slowly extend the time and distance you's spend apart until he's happy to be left alone for up to 30 minutes.


Get him used to being outside when your inside. Start off with small periods apart and gradually increase the time over 2 weeks but don't leave him and let him get all worked up and distressed. Maybe start by leaving him outside for a few seconds.


Eliminate the distress caused by you getting ready to leave the house. Note what is triggering his anxiety, like putting on your shoes, picking up your car keys. Make a list of all the things that trigger his anxiety then do these things but not actually go anywhere. Put on your shoes but dont leave the house, Pick up your car keys and carry then around the house, put on your coat then sit down and watch tv or read the paper.


When you notice a change in him and he's much calmer. Then you can start to leave the house for short periods, like 30 seconds to start with then gradually increasing the time.


Have you tried leaving a kong for him to keep him occupied? This can also help since he has no interest in toys. Remember the separation anxiety is not something that can be easily fixed so it will take time and patience.

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