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She says she is scared...

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Hi Guys, dunno if anyone has experinced this themselves or has been in a relationship with someone who felt like this, but basically my girlfriend says she is scared of what she feels for me because she is not in control (of her fellings).


She loves me and i make her happy (and vica versa), but it dosent stop her fear (maybe of losing her freedom), she says when i talk about where I want our relationship to go she gets scared and feels like running away... but so far she hasnt, i think her feelings are just enough to keep her hanging on to it at the moment, but i dont know for how long.


On many occasions she has talked about breaking up because she is so scared... but she still hasnt, she says why cant she just be "crazy in love" instead of being scared, but she has a great fear in her gut, which despite her feelings for me, is close to making her end it.


Has anyone else felt scared like this even though you love someone a great deal? Or does anyone have any opinions on what might be going on in her head?


I love her and dont want to lose her, i never put her under any pressure, i let her do whatever she wants so she is not sufficated in anyway. She is just scared of any commitment i think because her feelings are out of her control and she dosent like it, but i dont know.


Opinions appreciated.



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Hello waynerwayner,


Some people get scared in relationships, you just have to reassure her that you would never let her fredom be taken away.


She may be feeling like this because of something that has happened to her in a past relationship, getting close to someone emotionally leaves you vulnerable and more prone to the possibility of getting hurt. Perhaps you could speak with her and find out if her being scared has been caused by hurt that has been caused by other relationships in the past. If this is the case than you will have to reassure her that you are not like these other guys.


Once she has overcome this fear it will be much better for the both of you and may even bring you closer together.


I hope this is of some help to you.


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