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I am sooooooo tired of family drama

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Everybody wonders why I don't keep in contact enough, well thats it. Drama. If we can't get along, i'm over it and want no part of it. All the gossiping, * * * * tiness and everything else involved. I'm done. There is a reason why I don't contact anybody but my sister and grandma unless I have to. And people treating me like i'm 5 and can't handle the truth. whatever. I don't even care anymore, keep everything to yourself. Life is too damn short to deal with all the drama.


On a side note, I am going to be trapped on a 7 day cruise with my mother (whom I don't have the best relationship with) HOW am I going to survive that?! I might have to go in debt for a bar tab... ](*,) It's already making me go insane. And before anybody asks why I would do that to myself then, I am getting married and feel obligated to have her there. I'm doing it more for her than for me. The alcohol, will be for me.

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I feel for ya and wish I had the answers! In fact I'm about to post about an issue that I'm having with my sister... anyway, I don't blame you for wanting to keep less in touch with your family as I kinda do the same thing with them. Plus, you've recognized that gossiping and cattiness are not good for you (nor should it be for anybody but for some they just can't live without it ), and unfortunately, it's coming from family members.


I think if it's just you and your mom out on a cruise in the middle of nowhere, you might have a fighting chance here. She can't exactly go off and gossip with her other family members (on that note, maybe you can keep her away from phones or her cell phone if you think she might call home a lot to gossip?). Also, soul_soother is right, there's tons to do that don't involve drama, and I think the more you two try to stay active during the cruise, the better! If your cruise has live music or shows, I think that would be cool for the both of you to do. And if all else fails... at least you can work on getting a killer tan! Also, the alcohol

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