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Found the Reason Online Dating Usually Doesn't Work...


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Lots of women date guys like this. These are the infamous assholes women keep choosing and getting burned by...over and over and over again.




Oh, trust me. After reading through that thread, I'm embarrassed for males AND females. A lot of girls apparently eat that stuff up and I'm like....


Locker room chat... give me a break. An ass is an ass is an ass. Hiding your true self in front of your girlfriend and mother doesn't change that. Not all men are like that.

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It's straight guy locker room chat. When guys get together the intelligence level of conversation tends to drop dramatically, and conversation tends to be come hyper-sexual, misogynistic, and homophobic. I see it all the time in locker rooms especially. There's a lot of peer pressure to talk and act that way if you're a young guy.


Trust me, male locker-room chat is small-time. I sit near a table of about 15 women (no men) at work and you should hear the stuff they say about guys every day!! It's enough to make me blush sometimes and pray to god that no woman I've ever been invoved with has ever talked that openly about me, my body and my 'abilities' with their colleagues Also, every male colleague that comes in to speak to them gets 'rated' on his good/bad points when he leaves ("nice butt but totally FUGLY" etc) and they objectify all these guys so much it's pretty embarassing. Men and women are just as bad as each other I guess

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