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I think I might be pregnant


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I am not sure if I am pregnant, I have some of the symptons, but am scared to do the home pregnancy test. I have the nausea, and vomiting, lower abdominal cramps, lots of food craving, tender swollen breasts, fatigue, heartburn, mood swings, back pain, yet I still had a period. I feel as if I am but am really scared what should I do?

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Hi Jenn,

Long long have you had these symptoms/how many periods have you had? I believe it is possible to get pregnent during a period, and possible right before and still have the period. I know it may be frightening, but I'd suggest buying the test. Then you can know for sure and more on from there.

Good Luck

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Hi there!


I know what you're going through! My ex ex was going through the same thing, but didn't even think that she was. I noticed because there were subtle changes in her body, like her breasts firming, a little loss of weight, and then gaining it right back with a few x-tra pounds.


Yes, being pregnate will change your life! It will also change your partner's life as well. I proposed to my ex ex, got my life together and started saving for the child's future.


Emotionally, i preparted myself for the baby, as well as my ex ex. And things were really going well. We could not wait for the baby at this point, even though at first I was scared to death. Unfortunatley she had a miscarriage at 5 months and devastated us both, which eventually destroyed the relationship.


My advise: If you are indeed pregnate, accept that you are, and be very happy that you will be bringing a life into this world. Seeing the child for the first time on a sonogram will change all of your fears. It did mine, and I am a guy! It will be okay either way of the spectrum.

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It is possible to still be getting your period when you are pregnant. I read somewhere that some women get their periods throughout their pregnancies too. You should go check it out at soon as possible so you can make the best informed decision. Anything after the first trimaster will be more difficult to deal with in terms of abortion options and emotionally as well. Home pregnancy tests are as accurate as those taken professionally. It's just that sometimes the test will come out negative because you're taking it too early or if you have miscarried. But if you want to be totally sure, you should go get a test with your doctor or at a local health clinic (privacy reasons). They usually have some counselling too so they can understand your situation a little better and to allow you to ask any questions.


Don't just ignore this. You need to find out whether or not you're pregnant so make the best decisions for yourself and the baby. Good luck.

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I will take all of your advice in good terms and buy the test. I have had these symptoms for about two months and the cramping seems to get worse instead of better. I will let you all know the outcome. Thanks for the help!

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