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Moving to a different country...


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I've moved countries alone several times. I haven't lived in Australia, though, just visited for a few weeks a very long time ago.


IME, moving countries follows a particular curve - it's about three months of initial excitement, followed by three months of frustration where nothing's new and exciting anymore but you don't feel home and settled, either, then after about seven months or so things start following into place and you can really start enjoying where you are. The trick is to not get too discouraged by the second phase.

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I am currently living in Adelaide (Australia as im sure u know), its an awesome place! Im 28 and love it!


I have lived in France for five months, Greece for a month then five more, and Beijing but only for a month. Im not really too sure what u want to know?

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Wow you moved around alot! Have you ever been to the States or lived in the states? I actually dont know where Adelaide is. I was there in January staying with my cousin who lives in Melbourne. Where is that from there? I've also been to Phillip Island. Its way more expensive then the states, but I liked it out there, especially the weather.

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Adelaide is in SA (South Australia), Melbourne is close, around 10 hours drive away. hehe its insane saying close as Im from the UK and drive for ten hours there and you can pretty much drive from the South of England to Scotland. But Australia is just massive. Been to the states ermm 6 times ? Florida 4 times, New York once and California once (Cali was to Coachella to see Rage play first gig in years and was AWESOME


Oz is only pricey now cos of the strength of their currency in comparison to the US dollar and British pound. All relative if u want to know anything jus pm me im not worried

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