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Was I rejected or should I still go for it?

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I think there's no definitive answer for your question. I think only time will tell you the answer, and you decide how much to invest in this friendship, or if it turns out to be, a relationship. Even if the girl wants to be friend with you for now, isn't it still good? At least she's willing to let you earn her trust. Just be there for her, and see how it goes.

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The fact that you exchanged numbers and she told you that she does not have a b/f is a good sign. Try not to be too distant - you have got to show her that you are there for her as a friend. Maybe you should simply phone her one day just for a friendly chat. Even though she says that she is not ready for a b/f you have to show her that she has to look no further, do not be pushy, there might be a special reason for this. Try to get to know each other better - maybe hang out with her and a group of friends, so that she feels as relaxed as possible. You want to make sure that she is the right one for YOU..

I hope this helps

Good luck...


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something to keep in mind - asking doesnt have to be done by words - it can be done by actions. I dont how a woman would feel about this, but as a guy, i would think if you just wait it out, be patient, act like friends, and try to earn extra brownie points by doing this and that, the picture will paint by itself

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The thing is, I'm not even sure if she wants to be friends with me. I can't help but think that she just told me I could call her so she wouldn't hurt my feelings. Is it common for girls to use that as a "technique without hurting the guy's feeling"? She doesn't try to talk to me at school anymore, and we're in the same class for one block. This is why I've been hesitant to call or try to contact her. I'm wondering if calling her would be weird or something, considering we don't talk at school now. I've been wanting to go up and say something to her, but I just can't. I'm doubting she'll talk to me at school again, so is calling her the answer? I'm just going crazy trying to interpret her response.

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It sounds to me like you are over thinking the whole thing. If she really doesnt want to talk to you she would hopefully just tell you that. She maybe being distant now because she thinks you dont want to talk to her, since you havent even called. I say call her and see how it goes. It really cant do much harm to call her. Then she will probably let you know if she is happy to talk to you and/or if she wants you to call again. Good luck and I hope this helped some.

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