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Can you explain this to me plz?

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Hi, can you explain the follow to me:


1. Do girls 'cum'? If so what is it? Like for guys its spunk (sperm ejaculation), but from bio class, I don't think girls release anything apart from an 'egg'? Im guessing cumming for girls isnt actual pysical just mental orgasm.


2. Going 'wet' I guess means like your body lubricates itself, but again what with?


It may sound stupid but where does this stuff come from biologicaly? And whats it made up of?



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Yes, girls do cum. It happens when you find the g spot and rub that, if done right it will cause a contraction of sorts and will feel extremly good, then a fluid similar to the consistancy of sperm will be released. I think all women can do it, but it takes practice.


Women getting wet is a mucus, I think it is basically the eqivalent of precum for men only more of it.


what you must know in order to understand is that all the testicles of a guy are is olvaries that dropped because the fetus became a male. But with women it is the same only women do not produce any sperm when they cum or get wet. but it is basically the same thing.

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hey. interesting question, ocs did a gr8 job. um, about if we ejaculate, i dont know what it is, but i think its the same stuff that comes for lubrication, or the same stuff that comes from getting wet. its like sperm in consistancy, but it doesnt contain sperm. i assume its just a suggary bodily fluid that is used for lubrication. but if anyone does find out exactly what it is then i would be interested myself. im a girl and i dont even know what its made of lolz.

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