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I've just done something SO STUPID and its cost me £100

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So ... I KNOW its stupid and I know that I'll be sitting there alone because she won't come. I've done it anyway though ... I've just spent a hundred quid on two tickets for the opera.

In November it will have been more or less a year since we broke up but I can't get her out of my head. If I still feel like this by the end of October I'm going to send her one of the tickets (no letter or anything) and leave it upto fate.


I guess I just need people to yell at me and tell me how daft I'm being.


Like I said she won't come.


You can all yell now!

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Now, if by some miracle she did go? Your adamant she won't but we don't know the story. Hold on to the ticket, and if she won't go with you then make yourself take another girl.


BTW that isn't stupid at all. Stupid is realising that your ex hasn't changed his e-mail account password, logging on to see what mail he has and then stupidly not being able to resist temptation and open a few e-mails, then get so scared he'll realise that its you that in a panic you delete ALL the mails (this is webmail btw).... then too late realise that one of the deleted mails was one that he actually sent to himself so he'll eventually know that his mail has dissappeared.


Thats really what you call stupid.


I wish I'd just gone out and bought 2 opera tickets or spen £100 on something for him. Now, don't you feel better!!!

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I think it is a nice gesture actually - I would not "expect" her to accept the invitation, but after a year, as long as she is not still angry or anything, she might just go! Be prepared that she may be involved with someone else (but still might want to go anyway!) or may have moved on...but then also be prepared for sparks!


Let us know how it goes!

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I know that she won't go because phrases such as "not meant to be", "you were a mistake" and my personal favorite "we only got together because I had personal problems and I was 'hiding' in you"


We worked together until about three weeks ago and I have to admit it was killing me (thats a mistake I won't make again!)


I might not send it ... 3 months without her in my face all the time and I might have a different perspective on it. I guess that I'm hoping that sitting there listening to La Boheme next to "her" empty seat might help me get some closure on it which is obviously something I've not been able to get with her there all the time.


Hi emptiness. Breaking into your ex bf mail box huh? Yeah it would make me feel better if I hadn't done it myself!! Not with this person though - it was a few years ago! I don't think that he'll know it was you though.

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Hold on to the ticket for now. See how you feel in a few weeks/months time. Maybe you can turn this in to a positive by taking a new date? "You were a mistake"? Ouch! Take someone that will appreciate you.


Isn't La Boheme a bit of a tear-jerker?! Puccini knows how to tug those heart strings powerfully.


If you don't go, don't beat yourself up about it. We are all allowed to do things that seem like great ideas at the time, but which we regret later.

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