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i'm confused & questioning the situation!

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Hi i'm a little confused with this situation my ex and i had broke off for six months and we recently got into contact and things were going nicely, keep in mind we were in a longdistance relationship, i went to visit her a few weeks ago and things went pretty well she still felt uncertain and kept her guard up. she wanted to take things slowly and she needed space she recently moved into an appartment and she feels she has alot going on right now. When i got back we kept in contact and had decent conversations ,spoke about future plans with me and we talked every other day. finally things took a back spin, she said she does not know what she wants right now and that she is afraid, she is not in the right frame of mind and she does not want to commit into a relationship at the moment. i found out during that conversation she went out on a date! I was a little taken by that and I don't know what to think anymore. She says she doesn't want to lose me either and she would like to visit me next month. she said she would contact me when she felt it is the right time. I told her that I will respect her feelings and give her the space she needs. haven't heard from her in 4 days, she said cares about but she is reluctant to say more.Am I being strung along? should i stay away, i don't want to be a 3rd wheel. i have this strange feeling that she may feel guilty about something and she is backing away so she can spare my feelings, or is my imagination running wild and it's driving me nuts. anybody have an opinion? a womens point of view is definitly welcome!

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All I can really say is sometimes girls dont really know what the heck we want. I mean, when my ex and I broke up one time I started seeing another guy, even though I was no where near over my ex, just to see what else was out there and see if I was stupid for holding on... maybe because she is confused she is just trying to see if you are really the right one..so just give her some space and let her make up her mind..and DONT CALL HER!

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Hi shelby,

Let me see if I have this straight. You two were not together for six months, you recently got back together and now she wants more space. Is that it?

My take on this is to always...ALWAYS trust your gut feelings. If something doesn't feel right then something is wrong. It may not be what you think it is, but it must be something or you would not be having these feelings.

But if you were not together for six months and now you are but she wants space then what was she doing while you were not together? Did she date someone else and it not work out so she wanted you back? I guess I just don't know enough about your situation to really advise you, but I would definitely say "trust your own intuition" it will not lie.

Good luck

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