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How do u ask a girl how she feel when you think you love her

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ive been going out with my girlfriend for about 3 months and i REALLY like her and i think that i love her now. she rarely gives off any signals about how she feels about me, but i really want to no how she feels about me.

i want to ask her how she feels but dont want to give her the impression that i want to break up if she doesnt like me the same way. she is also a very shy girl, and i dont want her to tell me she feels the same way just because she was put on the spot. wat is the best way to go about asking her how she feels without giving off the wrong impression and ruining everything?



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Tell her exactly what you posted. Tell her it's been three months and you think you've fallin in love, but you don't wanna scare her. Reassure her that it's fine if she doesn't feel the same way, and you won't freak her out by telling her all the time and you just thought she should know how you felt, and you only want to be honest. She'll most likely respect that... Girls like honesty... I guess good luck!

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Whoah. Just be careful telling your girl you love her. I did that once, and it was a real wet noodle, because she wasn't ready for it. It might be better to create the right atmosphere, and then lead the conversation to where she talks about her feelings first, so you've got some idea. Find some romantic way to get you both on the same page, and then it's beautiful.

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Whoah. Just be careful telling your girl you love her. I did that once, and it was a real wet noodle, because she wasn't ready for it. It might be better to create the right atmosphere, and then lead the conversation to where she talks about her feelings first, so you've got some idea. Find some romantic way to get you both on the same page, and then it's beautiful.


how would you suggest i go about getting a conversation going about her feelings and stuff like that?

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well i dunno its a pretty hard one that, guess when you feel confortable you should bring it up, the best way is to watch a chick flick, and in the romantic bits then bring it up, its wroked in the past for me, i was really shy to ask, luckly i got the answer i hoped for.


all i can say is go for ti when you ready and confortable oh and good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

Honestly? I wouldn't say anything... At least not yet. Three months is not a long time, and if you feel you love her (that's great) then continue to be a great BF. Do everything u can to show her u love her. Trust me, even if she is shy, she will tell u she loves u when she does.


Like you said, you don't want to put her on the spot, and hear something she doesnt mean just so she doesnt hurt you. And ask yourself, what will it really gain? if you're both happy then let it happen naturally.


Good luck

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First of all it has only been 3 months telling her that you think you are in love with her is premature. Before you say that you love her she should say it first. Enjoy the time that you spend with her and just have fun with the situation. Dont make the relationship out to be anything more than it is. The best advice I can give you is to just live in the moment and realize that there is no guarantee that the relationship will last so have fun with it. Dont be overly eager to say how you feel, let your actions do the talking. This does not mean that you need to start buying her stuff just let her see that you like being around her and you two have a good time.

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