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Hey everyone...i need some help bad!


My boyfriend and I of a year and a half broke up for 2 months because i cheated on him in March. We've been back together almost 3 months, but everythingd weird....he loves me...but he messed around with sooo many girls while we were apart. Im an Extremly Jealous person, and when im giving him oral sex he rates me to other girls....He always says im better though. Also...He's totally different...like he has a ton of girl "Friends" now... and is totally suspicious. He says he loves me so much and doesnt wanna lose me again, and i love him, but i almost cant deal with everything that went on while we were apart...yet, i dont have the strength to end it because im scared it will be a mistake. He constantly has girl friends calling him to hang out, and i know they like him and i dont want him to be around them, but he doesnt listen...can someone please give me advice...PLEASE!

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You cheated, were separated, he had fun in this time, and you are now worried about him cheating? Yeesh...


Girl, I don't think you've got anything to worry about, you two seem to love each other, and have an ability to overcome diversity. All you need is the support, which is the only purpose of my post.

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