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Does she like me?

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Just do it. You sound young. Go for it. You probably have many more years ahead of you to go after other girls you'll end up liking, if she doesn't dig you. If she does dig you, great! Just be yourself, be yourself in one of your more confident moods. Be nice, make her laugh here and there, and go after what you want. Be willing to accept it if she doesn't fall for you too. Just go with the flow and get used to going after everything you want in life as long as it's a good thing, and also get used to not getting everything you want. But don't be one of those guys that sits around wanting everything and going after nothing. I'm 25 right now and I should have went after more at an earlier age. You can learn from older people and make life better for yourself. Do it. When things go well, cool, "next?", when things go bad, cool, "next?". That attitude is my goal.

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hey man if i were u i would just talk to her and let her get to know u. because if u take it to fast she wont wanna go with u and if u go to slow she will think that ur jokin around and move on. my best advice is just to hang out with her and let her know u and then maybe sum kind of a mutual feeling will come between u two

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