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my gf is about 1 week late now


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hey... me and my gf broke up for 6 months... we have been back together for a month now was seein each other again b4 that for weeks... about 2 weeks ago we had sex.. she said it was her first time in awhile... used condoms..... then she went on the pill 1 week b4 she was supposed to get her period... it never came and its a week late... we never used a condom after she missed her period though... i pulled out and i know i should have worn one...... she wants to get a test tonight is it to early yet she was supposed to get it around july 21-24 she said... i thought it was where she started to take the pill again but shes got me worried now...

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everyone is different, but i believe they suggest you abstain from sex for like at least 2 wks after taking the pill, but that's just from my rusty memory. remember, the pill is only like 98% effective, even when taken by the book. if you don't want a baby right now, you should probably be using as much contraception possible even though she is on the pill.

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obviously anything is possible.... so it's always good to be careful



However, I definitely think starting hormones the week before a period would affect things. It's recommended you start taking them at the beginning of your cycle (during or shortly after a period) so you can continue to mimick your natural cycle.


They designed it to be 3 weeks of potent pills, one week without (or placebo pills). technically if you continuously take the potent pills (without the week off, you will never get your period.) As soon as you stop the active pills (week off) it triggers your period. -this was designed to give women on the pill peace of mind each month to know they're not pregnant.


but definitely have her take the test, just to be sure!

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Taking the pill one week before her period has nothing to do with it. You usually stop having your period one month into your pregnancey, that why doctors ask when your last period was when u go in for a pregnancey test. She could have already been pregnant from the month before. I suggest u take that test, and if she is pregnant , be a man and step up to the plate after all its takes two to make a baby, she didnt get pregnant on her own.

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Taking the pill one week before her period has nothing to do with it. You usually stop having your period one month into your pregnancey, that why doctors ask when your last period was when u go in for a pregnancey test. She could have already been pregnant from the month before. I suggest u take that test, and if she is pregnant , be a man and step up to the plate after all its takes two to make a baby, she didnt get pregnant on her own.


Agreed, if she is pregnant, don't do what most guys do and run away, running away isn't going to fix it. She is going to need your support and if you're any sort of a man, you'll provide it. I'm not attacking you in anyway, I know my sounds harsh, but I'm just stating it as it is.

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i didn't say i would leave her... i never do that...i am just tryin to figure out whats goin on.... bc shre dunno and i dunno know who to talk to about this....she took a home test and the results was negative.... and she was supposed to get her period about 10-14 days ago.

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Not trying to rock the boat here, and it might be a little off the subject but I'd like to open up another discussion. In my opinion it is actually MORE of her responsibility than it is his. How can a man EVER know what it's like to have the possibility occurring of his physical body getting pregnant? He cannot because no matter what, he'll never get pregnant. The female is the one who needs to safeguard that part of her, and take responsibility if she gets pregnant.


I hate it how everyone always feels sorry for the female when she gets pregnant and blames the man. Everyone says it takes two but they never say that to the female. It's not a man's fault if he cannot get pregnant. But if he gets a female pregnant, society looks upon him like he's just a horrible person.


I believe if you get yourself into a situation, get yourself through it. You cannot always rely on other people. I am not saying that this guy should run off... and I commend him for wanting to help, for now. But at the end of the day, she is the only one who will have to make the choice to care for the child or not. It's something that society has totally ruined, in my opinion. I don't believe in chasing a guy around the nation for child support. If he doesn't want to be in the kids life, then so what. That's life. Why force someone to do something they don't want.... it just causes the child to be the center of their despise and regret. The woman should take care of the child anyway, if that's what she chooses to do.


I should clarify that this viewpoint has nothing to do with my current marriage. Long ago, before I ever met him, many years ago I got pregnant at 17, have always worked full time and raised my son, and never asked the father or anyone for a dime. Everyone that knows what I went through on my own always says, "oh you're such a strong woman" and I think that's bullcrap. I did what I chose to do, it was instinct, it came naturally. I hate how women blame the man when they get pregnant and think they're so cool for making them pay child support.


Sorry just venting.......

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I started on birth control pills 2 months ago. The first month my period came a week early, and lasted for almost 3 weeks. MY doctor said its completely normal- that birth control pills totally mess up your cycle and make a new cycle for your body.


In my opinion, it's probably just the birth control, but either way she should definitely have another pregnancy test, perhaps a professional one and not just an over the counter one.

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