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Just a question...for anyone.

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Didn't know where to post this.

Has anyone ever met someone that doesn't like hugs? Is there a name for something like that??? My boyfriend is like that. He doesn' t like etting hugs, but he won't tell me why. He will hug me sometimes, but I still know he doesn't want to because he doesn't like them. I asked him if he had a traumatic childhood experience involving hugs. He said no. I just told him to tell me whenever he's ready or he doesn't have to tell me at all, but I really wanna know!

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I have a friend who's kind of like that. She says that hugs are kind of awkward for her sometimes.


I haven't heard of too many people like this. I mean, I love hugs. Before I met my friend, I thought everyone else loved them too. I guess some people just find that kind of closeness awkward.

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Some people are just like this, i don't think that they have anything wrong or have a phobia (which is a possiblity). I suppose it's just something he doesn't feel comfortable with, im sure he will come around eventually. I mean i didn't like hugging people especially girls but im going back a few years probably around the same age.


It's pretty normal but you don't see it that much. Remember hugging is only 1 way of showing and expressing affection towards someone.


Don't know if this helps,


- whitefang

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I know that hugging is only one way of showing affection, but I've just never met anyone that hasn't liked hugs before so I was curious about other peoples knowledge on the subject. I don't think he has a problem expressing his emotions, he's good about that and we pretty much talk about anything and everything, but there is just this one thing. It's not like it's interfering with our relationship, I just find it strange. I think they remind him of something, I just don't know what. Because, yesterday when we were talking he asked me if when I see stuff or hear stuff if it reminds me of something else. I said yes. Then he said, "Kind of how hugs..." but then trailed off quietly so I don't know what he was going to say... ](*,)

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Some people have things 'different' with their brains and don't like this kind of behaviour. I dont know how to say it best, with all this political correctness stuff, but like mental disorders, and mental illnesses. Im would say he is probably suffering from something or other, big or small.

I know people with like Asbergers (I have no idea how to spell it) and they are exactly like this.

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I think you already know what to do about this one, and that is just to let him tell you in his own time.

it sounds like he's getting close to telling you why he doesn't like them as he nearly did already.

It sounds more like it is something to do with his past, something that may have caused his reluctance now. I don;t think its a phobia or anything.

It sounds like he's so close to opening up to you about it and then once he has, he may even be able to begin to hug you.

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