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hey, ive lived im Battle Ground my whole life, from the time i was 2 till now and im 15, the weekend after the 4th of july my parents went to redmond oregon to visit some friends, and when they came home they told me and my 5 bro's and sister's that they had some news to tell us, when they told me and my older sister, we kinda juss flipped out, because we dont want to move, and they have been telling us that we wernt going to move, and they wernt going to move until my littlest sister moved out in 8 years that, so i guess what im trying to say is that im scared to move, i have to meet all new people, start a new high school and make all new friends and to live in a whole different environment.... should i be scared to move, i love meeting new people,and stuff?????




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If you love meeting new people then you will just fine! Moving is hard, but don't worry, you'll make new friends. Just don't put on a "show" to make then, be yourself. Maybe moving to a new place will be better than where you loved before! Good Luck!

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Its going to be a challange, but if you are outgoing, and like people... then you will adjust. If you play a sport, you should try to do that at your new shcool. That would make the school feel smaller right away and you can make some new friends on your team. Or if you like to act, sing, debate, whatever, join a group though, like student cousil, even if it is not something that you normally do. My family never moved, but going away to college I had to make new friends, now I know that is different b/c all college freshman are in the same boat, but I was scared.

Be youreself.

dont' talk behind people's backs.

Dont' be anything that you are not.


High shcool comes and goes so quickly and then you have the rest of your life. Good luck and have fun!

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