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I'm in love with my best friend...please give me advice!!!!

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I'm in love with my best guy friend, and I don't know what to do! We have been friends since fourth grade and now we're seniors, and my feeling have been developing for him for the past year. I have told him that I like him, and he hasn't really said anything either way, but he has been coming around more and trying to spend more time with me. He and his girlfriend of sorts are pretty much over. He hasn't broken up with her yet but it's because he hasn't talked to her in over a month. I don't know how he feels...but it only makes sense that we are together. We are absolutely perfect for eachother, but I don't really have any idea of his opinion. Is he trying to avoid the topic or is he just nervous on how to bring it up...HELP! Maybe a guy could give me his opinion as a guy, or a girl could share an experience! Thanks!!

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Well its good that he knows how you feel so it wont be a horrible shock to him. Usually, if a guy avoids a girl, it either means he dose like you but hes nearvous or is affraid to resolve the issue of you liking him because he might think what he has to say to you will turn you off/ ruin the relationship, wheither those feelings are the same as yours or not. Well this is actually the biggest risk in a boy/girl friendship that all people in these relationships must face; not telling them will keep you friends which is undesireable for you, or telling him which is the risk will push your relationship further or tear it appart compleatly. Once they know how you feel, its hard to go back since they know and its hard to deal with. You have to be willing to take that risk... Consider the consiquences like if we lost our friendship, will I feel better because I told him or will I miss his friendship more? You know, stuff like that.

Anyway, what you should do is go to this guy and tell him you think you should talk about your relationship, ask him straight up how he feels and if he's willing to take the risk or not, if he says no then its up to him wieither he wants to stay firnds or not. remember not to be too agresive or you mgiht scare him, talk to him as if you where talking about any other subject you normally would. Also if he dose have a GF, I think you should wait till their done with eachother for good, otherwise you'll put him in a very dificult situation, which may alter his decision.

Also, its better if you do tell him because even if he says no now, later on, what you tell him might get stuck in his head and he might change his mind! Good luck!

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Thank you so much for your comments. They really help me a lot. I just hope that everything works out. Today he called me and said that his mom bought me a dress and a shirt when she was out, so obviously she is behind it, too. I look for it to happen soon, although we do still act more like friends than anything else, there is just something different there. But how can I really tell??

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im in a similar situation myself. ive started to have feelings for a really good friend of mine that i've had since grade school. i've never felt this way towards her before, and it really sucks because i hang out with her all the time and have to hold these feelings in. i know i could never tell her, because im almost positive that she doesnt feel the same way. im sure a lot of people have been in this situation before, so any advice on how to deal with this would be greatly appreciated

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I had your same prob. Really liking my best guy friend. We doubled dated, hung out w/ eachother all the time. And we had been friends for yrs. I really started having a major crush on him . It was getting in the way of our friendship because i didn't want him to know. Things began to get ackward. So I told him I wanted to kiss him and find out if theres anything there. He was in full agreement there might be something there. It was very odd kissing my BF. So we tried another a real good one to excite the other and died laughing. It was like kissing my brother because we were such good friends. We remained friends long afterwards and tried the kissing test a few times because we were attacted to eachother both all the kisses were like kissing my brother. We still laugh over it.

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