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Lost job...vent


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This is really just a vent.


I got a call today from my job today. The person I was replacing decied they did not want to leave and since she is already trained and knows the job so well they are keeping her. This means I am out of a job. And, I am pissed off.


What makes me angry is not just that they are letting me go. But that for weeks I have been asking to be shown how do anything and everything in the office. My now ex boss was so busy she could never get around to it. So I have wasted my time and learned nothing. Plus my direct deposit still has not go through so I have yet to get any money out of this.](*,)


I still have one job but I needed this second job and it work perfectly with my schedule. The person I talked to (my ex boss’s boss) was very nice about it and I am going in tomorrow to speak with her. I just wish I had steady employment for once in my life.:sad:

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I'm sorry for what happened, and I went through a similar situation. It seems as if "steady job" isn't as common as it used to be; I myself rely on temporary assignments that last maybe a month or so each.

I don't like it when people do what they did in your situation, it's like a lack of communication. In a way, it seems as if they were holding onto one branch until they found another one.

Either way, good luck

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Thanks BenDZ. It really sucks because my sister in law helped get me this job so now I feel like I have let her down in some way. Logically I know she doesn't blame me in the least for this, but still.


You described what they were doing perfectly. I am happing there is a silver lining in all this. I just have to find it!

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I am happing there is a silver lining in all this. I just have to find it!


You got hit with tough love, business wise and personally. It will make you stronger in the future. The growth in strength is the silver lining.


The truly successful never hoped for anything. They did what it took to be successful because it was that important to them.

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