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In temporary long distance relationship and need help...

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My girlfriend has been in another state for the last 5 weeks (only 1 more ) at some camp. Before she left we probably met each other about 6 times in a one month period. And we used to talk a lot, like 2 hours almost every day. Her mom is really strict (she would talk to me when she wasn't home) so she said we'd be able to talk more than normally. So I was happy about that because at least if I couldn't see her, I could talk to her. BUT, since she's left we've talked a total of 2 hours in the last 5 weeks. I'm pretty disappointed, and it's not that I think she's cheating on me or anything, or purposely doing it. But, it's just like, she has a lot of time off and I feel like she should want to talk to me! When she does talk to me she's like "I miss you so much" or "I think about you all the time" and etc. I'm starting to feel distant from her, almost starting not to like her anymore . I used to think about her all the time and now I do a lot less. Is this normal? When she gets back will I like her as much as I once did? Should I be upset about her only talking to me 2 hours in the last 5 weeks? I've already told her how much it hurt me and she said it wasn't her fault and got kind of defensive about it, saying that she couldn't help it.

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I'm in the same sitch right now...just on the other end. I've been away from my boyfriend for three weeks today, and still have two and half more weeks to go. I miss him and think about him often, but we still don't talk that much. He calls me or I call him and we talk for a while. I just think about how we were like when we saw each other more often when I was still home and I know it will be like that once we reunite. Don't worry about it, things will be back to normal when she gets home!

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I think its normal. Its all about what you are used to.. if you are used to hearing from someone quite regularly. Then they become unregular because of work commitments or becoming busier due to something or other.. u are used to hear from them often, and start to worry when that isn't as often. You begin to think they are losing interest in you, or they don't think you are important enough to txt in their spare time..


When actually, u are mis-understanding. They are just busier that's all.. Thats the biggest problem with a LDR, is mis-understanding I reckon!

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