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my ex-girlfriend and i are slowly getting back together, thing are going well and and we've kept in contact. Our last conversation she mentioned i may have competition, that while at work a child entered the store and gave her flowers ,she said who is this from and he didn't say! How should I react with that? I was a little upset. during that conversation after she said that, she mentioned she misses me and that since we are in a long distance relationship she would like me down to be with her. But she is still reluctant on expressing her feeling , because she does not want to get hurt again. right now my mind is racing 100 miles a minute i feel really distracted. I don't know what to think. i called her last night , left a message but didn't return my call yet! Am i reading into this to much? Should it bother me? what should I do?

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confront her ask her if there is somebody else and about the child with the flowers. If she says that it is no one there is only you then go down there and be with her. If you don't believe her or have any doubts then don't because moving down there to be with her is a big step and if she is lying to you that means you have done all that for nothing. Just be sure about what your doing before you do it.

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