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It hurts too much

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Buy a punching bag, the rough type. Punch it with your fist until your phalanx bleed or until you passed out from exhaustion. Go take a very cold shower and then go to bed. This will knock you out.


I an ex cutter. I used to run like a mad man until I felt a metallic taste in my mouth when I couldn't take the pain anymore. I was coming back home on my knees only wanting my bed and 10 hours of straight sleep. Don't stay where you are trying to think how to hurt yourself, there's no use.

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Please don't start cutting. Once you start you'll find it unbelievably difficult to stop.


Find ANYTHING else. Hard exercise, hitting a punching bag, scream at the top of your lungs, put on some angry music, etc. Just find any other release where you don't do damage to yourself.

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