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Want to test the waters but not sure how to go at it


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I have known this lady for a while. We've gone out to movies together, ate at a mall's food court, bowled, and one time I attended a salsa class with her...2 years ago.


I'm now back in my hometown for the holidays and she wants to see me. But I am eager to test the waters because we are both single.


Most likely, nothing will happen: we'll meet at a cafe, talk, eat and say our goodbyes. However I feel that there might be a very slim chance that she might want to spend more time with me before I leave.


How could I make this happen in a tactful, non-creepy way?

Offering to "walk her back home" makes no sense because we're likely going to meet at a central location between my house and hers.


Is there a way that I could ask her if I could come over and bring something with me (such as food)?

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If you want your outing with this woman to be a date, treat it like a date. If you start with the assumption that nothing will probably happen, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. But if you treat it like a date, make her laugh while flirting a little bit, and she responds positively and flirts back, then at the end give her a kiss. If you get her cheek, you haven't really lost anything. Nothing ventured = nothing gained.


I am curious however about your objective... are you just interested in having sex with this woman? or would you like to be involved romantically with her? I think this advice would help with the latter objective, but if you are just interested in having sex with her, I dunno how to go about it, b/c that's not really my thing. I presume that a lot would depend on whether or not she shares that objective, and I would guess that if so, she would make it clear in some way.

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